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Patrick Kennedy Warns Of Violence

From the right, of course

Representative Patrick Kennedy, the last Kennedy in political office and son of the late Ted Kennedy, is warning about violence because of the anger over the out of control government. He actually said it was about the health care debate and the example he gave dealt with that issue, but like all politicians he misses the bigger point. The debate is about out of control government.

Kennedy warned of the potential violence and used a sign he saw at a protest. Ten thousand signs bearing the words “Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy” were distributed at a protest by a group that opposes abortion. Patrick is of the opinion that this is disgusting and could lead to violence. After all, as he reminds us, his family has seen its share of violence. His uncles were assassinated and his father killed a woman. Of course, the 9-12 protest had nearly a million people in attendance and none of them were arrested. None of them committed crime and they cleaned up their trash when they left. The law breaking typically takes place when the left is involved in a protest.

I have no problem with the slogan. Ted Kennedy was the champion of government run health care and he claims to have made it his life’s work. The slogan indicates that we should bury his dream with him because the concept is a bad one.

I know that Patrick and others from the left will likely disagree and that is their right. I would find it hypocritical for those who used Ted Kennedy’s death to try and pass this health care takeover plan to oppose those who mention his death in wishing its defeat. Remember, Kennedy was not even cold when the Democrats were discussing doing it for him and fulfilling a dream he did not live to see.

To be upset with a slogan after that shameless display is beyond the pale.

The good news in it all is that Ted Kennedy has now been sober for 4 weeks.

Of course, that is assuming they do not serve scotch in Hell.

As an aside, where was Patrick Kennedy when the violence and hatred was directed at George Bush?

Big Dog

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