Palin Email Witch Hunt Proves Fruitless

The Washington Post and The New York Times received about 300 pounds of paperwork that contained some of the emails from the time Sarah Palin was the governor of Alaska. The newspapers enlisted volunteers to sift through the mails in hope of revealing dirt that might be contained in those emails. Make no mistake about it, the desire was to find something to smear Palin with and this is because the liberal media must smear her to protect its puppet master in the White House.

The effort was a bust. The emails revealed thus far indicate that Palin encouraged her staff to be open with the media, she took her work seriously and that she was principled. The media made itself look like a bunch of fools in this effort.

Here is an idea, and it is just an idea. How about the government release the electronic communications of Anthony Weiner to several newspapers and those newspapers enlist an army of volunteers to sift through looking for anything to smear him with? I bet they will find a lot more stuff by going through his emails than they did going through Palin’s.

While they are at it, why not release the electronic communications from Barack Obama. It would be interesting to see what kind of dirt an army of volunteers sifting through them could find.

Of the three, Palin is the only one who is not in office and is not paid by taxpayers and yet she is the one that the left is gunning for.

I imagine Obama’s electronic communications would bear more fruit than Palin’s did.

And Weiner’s would most assuredly render more dirt than Palin’s ever would.

No, let’s ignore Weiner and go after Palin. To the Lame Stream Media, she is more worthy of such attention.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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20 Responses to “Palin Email Witch Hunt Proves Fruitless”

  1. Lisa says:

    So true. Haters always destroy themselves. They’re (the Left and the Media) doing a good job of it these days….self-destruction to the max! The more they hate, the more they wake up others to the total opposite of their hateful and unfair views. Thank goodness.

  2. Adam says:

    “No, let’s ignore Weiner and go after Palin. To the Lame Stream Media, she is more worthy of such attention.”

    I don’t doubt this was an attempt to find dirt on Palin but I do question your suggestion that this is somehow done only to her while ignoring Obama and Weiner. What you fail to note is that the emails were released finally after FOIA requests that were made years ago. This has nothing to do with Weiner for instance. You better believe these papers would do the same thing to Weiner in a heartbeat if they could it’s such a hot story right now.

    • Eoj Trahneir says:

      What you fail to note is the entire exercise of going after Palin, who has noting to hide, is a liberal witch-hunt, and failure to go after Obama and Little Liberal Weiner, two truly remarkable liberal criminals, is tantamount to failure of the media, in it’s duty to maintain an unbiased and accurate exposure to to educate and informed public.
      Palin, who has no dirty laundry to hide, is picked limb from limb and resorts to a defense by lawyers, for years, as you pointed out, and Obama isn’t even required to produce an original birth certificate!
      That the requests were made “years ago” lends them no validity, especially now, when anyone can see they were trumped-up allegations.
      Some liberals think negros are entitled to pay-offs, because of the slave-days. That was over 150 years ago. But they deserve money, some say.
      Well, the crime against Palin is ongoing and acute. I think Soros and his ilk, all those who financed this witch-hunt, should be required by law to turn over their entire fortunes to Palin and her family.

      Or just the heck up and remover their stupid blue hats.

  3. Barbara says:

    This just shows that the liberals are desperately afraid of Palin. I wonder why???

    • Adam says:

      Many liberals are simply afraid of what Palin would do to the country give the chance to lead it. We have a great deal more respect for the nation than your side gives us credit for. It’s just easier for your side to call us traitors and freedom haters than it is to actually refute our policy ideas with facts or reason.

      As for myself I say give Palin a chance to lead and get your popcorn ready for the epic disaster that follows. She can’t harm it enough to matter but she can erode the strength of the GOP just like President Bush did.

      • Big Dog says:

        Yeah, as if the guy with no experience in the White House is doing a bang up job. Your policies refute themselves as they never work. Palin led a state and did a fine job, much better than Obama is doing with the country.

        Obama got his chance and he gave us failed policies, more debt and huge deficits. That might be why he is having trouble drawing crowds or getting big donors. It might be why some Democrats secretly want him gone.

        • Adam says:

          “Your policies refute themselves as they never work.”

          The trouble with that argument is that if it works you just blame it on a Republican and if it fails you blame it on a Democrat. Like the how 9/11 and the early 2000’s recession started under Bush but you blame Clinton and of course the late 2000’s recession and the massive debt from that and Bush’s policy is Obama’s fault.

          “Palin led a state and did a fine job, much better than Obama is doing with the country.”

          Except that Palin just up and quit, didn’t she? I wonder if she’d quit the White House too.

          • Big Dog says:

            We know that policy takes time to take effect. A recession does not start tonight after a decision yesterday. It takes time and the recession in the early part of the Bush presidency was the result of monetary policies and the dot com bubble that burst during Clinton as well as the movement of money to hide debt and pretend to have a balanced budget (the phantom surplus).

            You know damn well Palin did not just up and quit. She had continual ethics allegations filed by a small group of Democrats who were hell bent on destroying her. Since she, under the law, had to address each item no matter how trivial (or even if it had NO merit) and had to pay for it out of her money, it got to the point that she could not govern. The time spent addressing the allegations of a small group of Democrats in a concerted effort (funded by the bigger Democrat machine) to destroy her coupled with the cost led to the decision. If Alaska law said that the person who filed the complaint had to pay if it did not pan out this would have stopped.

            No, she would not up and quit the White House because the president has people who handle those things and does not have to pay for it. You deliberately mischaracterized what happened and ignored the deliberate and coordinated attack designed to destroy her because she is a threat. But if Palin just up and quit didn’t Obama do the same with his Senate seat? If you can deliberately mischaracterize her resignation then we could make the same claim about Obama and his Senate seat.

            As for the recession that started under Bush, keep in mind that the economy went south under Democrats and their budgets and policies. You conveniently ignore that when blaming people. When Bush was in office and was able to shake the Clinton recession and the Clinton attacks of 9/11 the economy rebounded and we had low unemployment and the market was going fairly well. When Democrats took control gas prices went up, the market went down and bubbles burst.

            And I do not discount the deliberate manipulation of money and markets by people like Soros in order to cause a problem and guarantee an Obama victory. These people do not care what gets destroyed so long as they win.

            • Eoj Trahneir says:

              About Palin and the ethics allegations, you are correct.
              It turns out 98% were filed by one person, and that person was sponsored by one other person. Soros.
              Look at it like this. You are building a house and the plumber you hire, contracted and bond, is accused of some ethics allegations. The ethics allegations are false, as were ALL of Palins, as court records have proven, but while the ethics allegations stand, the plumber can’t work on your house.
              It is more responsible for the plumber to sign out of the contract so you can hire another plumber, or to hold on to it, and there-by prevent another sub from doing the work in a timely schedule?

              Anyone who says Palin did the wrong thing is an unmitigated ass. In a blue hat.

            • Adam says:

              “We know that policy takes time to take effect.”

              When the failure happens under a Republican of course. Let debt from a recession and Bush policies pile up under Obama and you blame Obama. If you don’t blame Obama then you can go back to Clinton and Carter and blame them for it too. Don’t tell me my side’s policies refute themselves when your facts about these situations are cherry picked nonsense.

              “…keep in mind that the economy went south under Democrats and their budgets and policies.”

              Yes, remember that policy takes time to take effect. Unless of course there’s a Democrat to blame. Dems had been in office less than year when the recession started, after all.

              “And I do not discount the deliberate manipulation of money and markets by people like Soros…”

              Ha. Of course. When in doubt point not just to Democrats but the spooky liberals your side spreads fear over. It’s still sad how much credit you give a man like Soros. I wish he truly was as powerful as your side pretends he is.

              “You know damn well Palin did not just up and quit.”

              Palin is an opportunist and she uses your side to get money and fame. Go ahead and keep carrying water for the quitter.

            • Big Dog says:

              Yep, takes time and it was the policies of Democrats who had been in office for more than a year, nearly 2, when things went south. I have no doubt that the polices of Bush and other Republicans contributed to the problem as I am sure that the impact of 9/11 finally caught up. Sorry, but Obama and his Democrats own it. They have been in power for some time and their policies (as well as the Dem policy of the CRA) helped to tank things.

              You can keep blaming Bush but that dog won’t hunt.

              So you will keep with the meme that Palin is a quitter who is bilking our side. Obama quit the Senate to run for president. When the heat was on Reverant Wright Obama quit the church and threw him under the bus. When heat was on about his friendship with bill Ayers he quit being his friend (at least in public). He promised to have transparency but quit that by having a lot of closed meetings and back roiom deals. He promised that he would have a jobs meeting every day but quit that. Looks like Obama is a quitter in all this.

              I don’t blame you for being scared though Adam. She is tougher than both you and Obama and she will do what is right for her state and her country. Obama would never step aside for the good of the country (if something came up equal to the false and fabricated ethics complaints orchestrated by Democrats to destory her).

              Soros has collapsed 3 economies in three countries and he did it on purpose. He is behind some of the doings of the Muslim Brotherhood. One of his goals is the destruction of the US dollar and he is working to do just that. There was strange and unexplained activity when the market suddenly went south. I believe Soros or someone like him had a lot to do with it. The economy was deliberately manipulated for politics.

            • Big Dog says:

              While the Democrats had been in office more than a year when the recession started it is important to note that the policies of Democrats helped to make it worse than it had to be. Obama’s meddling has caused it to last and drag us down.


            • Blake says:

              Adam, the fact that no matter how relentless the lamestream media is, she comes out of it better and better- if the media is not careful, they will hound her into the presidency.
              Will you go live in Canada, or Europe then, like Alec Baldwin threatened (but did not have the stones to actually do), or just go on an 8 year rant?

      • Eoj Trahneir says:

        And others are just plain scared.
        What would Palin do? Stop funding abortions? Coo;! Stop police abuses? Great!
        Hold government media reports accountable for their lies? About time!

        Your side, as you said and I quote, are “traitors and freedom haters” and no amount of rationalization changes that fact.

        It is what you are, and we call you that because that is what you do. When you stop, we will stop calling you that, and apply a new name that fits.
        “Reformed whore” comes to mind.

        If Palin does half as well as Bush, it will still be twice as good as Obama. And I will eat the popcorn and laugh, as you drink more cool-aide.

  4. Adam says:

    “Yep, takes time and it was the policies of Democrats who had been in office for more than a year, nearly 2, when things went south.”

    Still fibbing on this? Why? The recession started December 2007. The Democrats took office January 2007.

    “I don’t blame you for being scared though Adam.”

    Don’t pretend for a second I’m scared of Palin. I’d vote for Palin in a heartbeat if I thought it would give my party another super-majority in Congress so we can actually get something accomplished. Nothing helps my side more than watching the GOP fail. Your side believes government can do nothing right and you vote yourselves into office so you make sure that ends up true.

    “I believe Soros or someone like him had a lot to do with it. The economy was deliberately manipulated for politics.”

    Soros probably brought down the twin towers too, I bet. In between all those economies he collapsed and his funding of a groups like Media Matters that dare to tell the truth about the right. The facts always have had a liberal bias…

  5. Adam says:

    “Will you go live in Canada, or Europe then, like Alec Baldwin threatened (but did not have the stones to actually do), or just go on an 8 year rant?”

    Palin winning the president would be too great to miss. Get your popcorn, a couple of beers, put your feet up. We’d be lucky to get 2 years out of Palin, let alone 8. She’d just up and quit as soon as she realized she could make more money doing something else.