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Palin Backed The Better Choice

The Democrats went nuts over Sarah Palin when she was selected to be John McCain’s running mate. They still foam at the mouth at the mention of her name and they continually go out of their way to paint her as an idiot not worthy to shine Obama’s shoes. They believe she is an idiot for attending so many colleges and taking so long to complete her degree. The fact that she had to take time off to work to earn money to complete school escapes them because their affirmative action leader had a free ride (possibly as a foreign student).

Palin continues to be a thorn in their sides. She has sold more books than their sainted leader and she is doing quite well despite their attacks.

During the campaign the left made a big deal out of Palin’s support for abstinence only sex education. After it was learned that her daughter was pregnant the left used it to “prove” that abstinence education did not work. This is like saying that Ted Kennedy’s accident that killed a young woman (who was not his wife) is proof that driver’s education does not work.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the Palin bash. A new study shows that abstinence only education has better results than safe sex classes. Jack Cafferty of CNN presented the study fairly when he reported:

that only “33 percent of sixth and seventh graders who took an abstinence-only program began having sex within two years,” compared to “52 percent who were taught only about safe sex…[and] 42 percent who learned about both safe sex and abstinence,”

In true government fashion, Obama’s budget cuts funding for the most successful program of the three.

Considering what Obama and the Democrats are doing to the taxpayers we might be better off with safe sex programs…

Big Dog


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