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Thanksgiving, A Day to Thank the Almighty

I spent Thanksgiving with my family. They came to the house and we had a great dinner and a great time. I was thinking about all this last night. I know that Thanksgiving has its origins as a time when everyone got together to thank God for the harvest. To give thanks for the things they had, and really to thank God they were still alive. Half the settlers died the first year they were here so this is no small gesture of gratitude.

What I have been thinking about is that Thanksgiving was established to give thanks to God. Yet, today we are inundated by people who want God removed from everything. They want God removed from the Pledge of Allegance, from our currency, and now there is a school system in California that will not allow copies of our founding documents to be distributed in school because they contain references to God. Given all this, how many of these same people took the day off to enjoy food, football, and family? I am not saying they are not entitled to give thanks because of their separatists beliefs, but should they be doing it on a Government sponsored day to give thanks to the Almighty? I think it is hypocritical to want God removed from everything but to take a day off in his name.

Perhaps they justify this by giving thanks to the almighty government for its benevolence. They are thanking Uncle Sam for allowing them to force their views on the majority of the population through revisionist judges. I do not know what their rationale is, but yesterday I gave thanks to God for the gifts that I have been given. No revisionist judge or liberal agenda is ever going to take that away.

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Happy Thanksgiving


May you and your family have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.

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Left Wingers Are in Their Own World

Over at a blog entitled Misoverestimated the guy who runs it is in a real snit. He has called George Bush and those who voted for him everything under the sun. The guy is S. Paine. I could not find a profile so I do not know much about him. He has a demented view of the election. Here is some of the stupidity he spews:

To red-state voters, to the rural voters, residents of small, dying towns, and soulless sprawling exburbs, we say this: F**k (expurgated by Big Dog) off. Your issues are no longer our issues. We’re going to battle our bleeding-heart instincts and ignore pangs of misplaced empathy. We will no longer concern ourselves with a health care crisis that disproportionately impacts rural areas. Instead we will work toward winning health care one blue state at a time.

We officially no longer give a s**t (expurgated by Big Dog) when family farms fail. Fewer family farms equal fewer rural voters. We will, however, continue to support small faggy organic farms, as we are willing to pay more for free-range chicken and beef from non-cannibal cows.

We won’t concern ourselves if red states restrict choice. We’ll just make sure that abortion remains safe and legal in the cities where we live, and the states we control, and when your daughter or sister or mother dies in a botched abortion, we’ll try not to feel too awful about it.

How sad is this person? He chastises the people in the red states for having values. Values, I might add, upon which this country was founded. He seems to be advocating a move where people in “blue” areas of the country separate themselves from “people in the “red” areas of the country. This disillusioned lefty better take a good look at the county by county map. You will see S. Paine, that even the so called blue states had a great deal of red in them. Yes, the blue states had densely populated areas of liberals who voted for Kerry. We call these places the big cities. Look real closely at the map. You will see that the largest portion of New York and California are RED. The greatest amount of land mass voted for Bush. Personally, I would like to see the blue areas seclude themselves. They would rapidly wither and die. For the most part, they do not produce anything and crime is so rampant compared to the areas where “bumpkins” live, they will rapidly kill each other off.

Here are some more gems of wisdom from this S. Paine:

From here on out, we’re glad red-state rubes live in areas where guns are more powerful and more plentiful, cars are larger and faster, and people are fatter and slower and dumber. This is not a recipe for repopulating the Great Plains. And when you look for ways to revive your failing towns and dying rural counties, don’t even think about tourism. Who wants to go to small-town America now? You people scare us. We’ll island-hop from now on, thank you, spending our time and our money in blue cities. If an urbanite is dying to have a country experience, rural Vermont is lovely. Maple syrup, rolling hills, fly-fishing–everything you could want. Country bumpkins in red rural areas who depend on tourists from urban areas but vote Republican can forget our money.

You’ve made your choice, red America, and we urban Americans are going to make a different choice. We are going to make Seattle–and New York, Chicago, and the rest–a great place to live, a progressive place. Again, we’ll quote Ronald Reagan: We will make each of our cities–each and every one–a shining city on a hill. You can have your s**tholes.”(expurgated by Big Dog)

I have to say, this person has a real bad case of PESD (Post Election Stress Disorder). Can you believe how hate filled this is? I live in Maryland which is as blue as it gets. Well, actually, about 18 of 23 counties are red. The heavily populated Baltimore City and DC suburb areas are what makes this a blue state. I live in a small county that is pretty rural. I am well educated, have a good paying professional job, and live in a nice community. I do not consider myself a bumpkin and I do not consider all the people in this county bumpkins. I do not have any dislike for the ones who voted for Kerry. We are all entitled to our own choice when it comes to voting. If Kerry won I doubt you would hear all this bunk from the red states. But this is the lefty liberal way. Cry, cry cry! It is funny that this person talks badly about Bush and the republicans like they are immoral creatures out to destroy the world. I wonder if this person was as outraged when Bill Clinton disgraced the office of President?
I think I am about done with this liberal crybaby. I will finish with this quote from the site:

Sheriff’s deputies were investigating the killing of five hunters Sunday in northwestern Wisconsin, apparently sparked by a hunting dispute that turned violent.

Six dead, even though guns don’t kill people!

Here is a reference to a story about a hunter that shot and killed six people over a dispute. It is a shame that these people were killed. I must remind Paine that the gun did not kill them, the person who use it illegally did. BTW, this happened in Wisconsin, which I think is a blue state. If you lefties in the blue states have it so right, why did this happen? You suppose it was just a bunch of red state bumpkins on vacation or something? Another interesting thing. Look at the electoral map. Everywhere you see blue is where the highest crime rates are. That is where most of the gun crimes occur and the folks there are not generally allowed to own guns. In the red areas where all the bumpkins have guns we see lower crime rates and fewer murders with guns. I also find it interesting this boob talks about how the blue states will preserve abortions while your wives and daughters die from botched abortions, blah, blah, blah. How is it this person decries the murders of the hunters but supports the murders of the unborn babies. Since these murders happened in a blue state I have an idea for the killer. Plead not guilty to murder. Plead guilty to practicing medicine without a license. Tell the judge it was a botched partial birth abortion because you waited too long.

I have to put this person in the same category as Michael Hersh. Check out this web site and I am sure you will find the same nonsense I did. I tried to comment at the site but there does not appear to be a way to leave a message. So, I figured I would call your attention to it.

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Ding Dong the Dan is Dead, The Wicked…

Dan Rather

Those of you who were disgusted with Dan Rather and the whole forged memo fiasco were calling for the resignation of Dan almighty not long after his story was debunked by the blogosphere. We wanted him gone and gone now but the old cadger hung in there. Well, now our wish has come true. Dan Rather will step down as See BS news anchor in March of 2005.

I know there are a lot of us who would like to believe that Dapper Dan is leaving because of the bloggers and their tenacity in the memogate scandal. Truth is, Dan has been planning to leave for some time now. Rush reported earlier this year that there were rumblings that Rather would leave after the election and that pretty much mirrors what is coming out of See BS. Regardless of why he is leaving, the fact is he will be gone and we will no longer have to worry about his Fake but True motto.

The plan is that Dan will work full time for both “60 Minutes” shows as an investigative reporter. If that isn’t a kick in the pants. Dan Rather could not investigate enough to determine that some documents were fake. Documents that it took a bunch of “pajama wearing bloggers” about 30 seconds to figure out. So what will Dan investigate? Dan Rather could not find his butt if his hands were in his back pockets. I don’t think he could find the floor if he jumped out of bed and See BS wants him to be an investigative reporter. Maybe this is some retraining for him. Maybe they said “Dan, you screwed the pooch on the documents because you did not investigate. We are sending you to 60 Minutes for investigation retraining.”

My how the mighty have fallen. Planned or not it is finally great that this jackass is leaving. I guess they will replace him with another flaming liberal. First Cronkite the flaming liberal retired, then they put Dan the liberal butt kisser in, and now they will probably put another lib in there. They would probably ask Kerry but that would mean he would have to actually show up everyday in order to earn his salary.

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Boy Scouts Under Attack Part II

I blogged earlier that the DOD had stopped some Boy Scout activities on military posts. It now seems that the Boy Scouts will be allowed to meet on post so long as they are not sponsored by any military organization. I wonder if this applies to the post Chaplain’s office? After all, the Chaplain is the religious leader on post and the Boy Scouts are an organization that believes in God. The problem is, the Chaplain is a representative of a military organization.

I read today in the American Legion magazine that many branches the United Way have de-funded the Boy Scouts because they will not let homosexuals be Scout Leaders. People can still give to the Boy Scouts through the United Way but the organization will not donate other funds to the boys. This is a discretionary donation based upon the desires of whomever runs the local chapter. The United Way is attempting to make the Boy Scouts conform to the leftist ideal of American society in that it wants the Scouts to allow openly gay men (or women) to be Scout Leaders.

The United Way is within its rights. They can decide who to give their discretionary money to just as the Boy Scouts can set standards for inclusion in their organization. The fact is, the United Way gives money to many organizations and some of them probably do things that upset some segment of the population. They only make a stink about it when it involves offending homosexuals. So, I have an idea. It is that time of the year when the United Way campaign starts in workplaces across the country. I know there are many people who donate to more than one charity through them. If you designate funds to the scouts, they will go to the scouts. The scouts will just not get any additional money. Why don’t we just decide not to donate to anyone through the United Way. If you want to donate to an organization just send the money directly to them. You can donate to the Boy Scouts here or by calling 972-580-2213. I am not saying you should donate to the scouts. Your charity is your business but please think about how you donate. In other words, leave the United Way out and select another organization or donate directly.

As a side note, I wonder how many organizations benfit from donations through the United Way that come from parents of scouts, military members, and civilian workers on military posts. Perhaps they should remember the United Way this year….

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