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Out Of Control Town Hall Participants

The town hall meetings are getting out of control with people standing up, pointing fingers, shouting and accusing others of being insincere or part of a concerted effort to derail the process. This is not a description of the participants, those the liberals call AstroTurf mobs or swastika carrying bigots, not this is a description of a member of Congress.

Representative David Scott, a Georgia Democrat, singled out a person who asked a question about the health care bill at a town hall meeting and dressed the guy down. The politician claimed the person was an Astro Turf political operative and said that he represented the people of his district.

The problem is, the guy asking the question is a doctor who happens to live in Congressman Scott’s district.

The meeting was held to discuss a road project and was opened for questions at the end. Dr. Brian Hill stood to speak. After his question the stuff hit the fan:

Dr. Hill asked Mr. Scott why he was going to vote for a health care plan similar to that implemented in Massachusetts “that is shown not to work” and if he supported a government-provided health care insurance option.

The congressman replied by accusing the doctor of “hijacking” his event.

“I’m listening to my constituents, OK?” Scott said, “These are people who live in the 13th Congressional district, who vote in this district. That’s who I’ve got to respond to … So what you’ve got to understand, those of you who are here, who have taken and came and hijacked this event we dealing with here, this is not a health care event.”

“You chose to come and to do it on your own,” he yelled. “Not a single one of you had the decency to call my office and set up for a meeting.” He went on, in a threatening voice, “You want a meeting with me on health care, I’ll give it to you!” Washington Times

Dr. Hill was interviewed and said that he called the Congressman’s office on several occasions and asked if there were going to be any meetings to discuss health care. Dr. Hill was told that there would be no such meetings so he decided to go to the meeting that was taking place and ask his question.

Congressman Scott became irate and shouted at Dr. Hill and suggested that he was not a constituent. Scott claimed that Hill was an operative sent to disrupt the meeting. Scott then said that all people had to do was give the courtesy of a phone call and they would get an audience with him.

Dr. Hill gave Mr. Scott the courtesy of several phone calls. Mr. Scott did not extend the courtesy of an audience to discuss health care so in addition to making a jackass of himself, Scott outed himself as a liar. If he actually gave an audience to those who requested, Dr. Hill would not have found it necessary to ask his question in a forum dealing with a different matter.

The other issue is that Mr. Scott is an elected official who works FOR the people. His constituents do not work for him, he works for them. If one of them has a question, regardless of the forum, the Congressman is supposed to answer it or use civility in saying why he cannot. A much more appropriate answer would have been; “We are here to discuss a roads project. I understand the health care issue is an important one so I will have one of my staffers here get your contact information and my office will call you in a few days to arrange a meeting.”

Then again, Scott already made it clear he has no intention of answering health care questions. If he did his office would have responded appropriately to Dr. Hill when he called.

I bet Dr. Hill is one vote Scott will not get in 2010. Perhaps Hill can discuss this with the patients he sees and let them know their Congressman is not interested in how they feel or about their concerns.

Mr. Scott is an example of what is wrong with Congress. He needs to lose his job next year.

The Democratic game plan is to accuse those of asking about health care of being part of an organized mob sent by well financed groups with the sole purpose of derailing the process. The thought has not crossed their minds that people might actually be concerned about the issue.

Democrats are not use to having their tactics used against them (though they are not usually peaceful). The silent majority is silent no more.

Let’s vote them all out next year and start fresh.

Big Dog

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