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Operation “Vote For The Troops” Needs You

Many members of our military are being disenfranchised as jurisdictions across this country have failed to send out military ballots on time. Those affected military members will not have a say in the government that sent them off to war. These members are being silenced because somewhere between 80 and 90% of them vote Republican.

The jurisdictions that can’t get ballots out to the military have been successful in getting ballots out to felons. They have visited the jails and handed out ballots but they can’t see fit to get ballots to the military. The same people who bend over backwards to make it easier for illegals to vote work hard to keep the military from voting.

There is something you can do to help our military members. If you are having trouble deciding on whether to vote for the Republican or the Democrat in your particular race please vote for the Republican in place of a disenfranchised soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

If you were not planning to vote please reconsider and go vote Republican for a member of the military who has been disenfranchised by corrupt politicians.

The men and women serving in our military are the guardians of our freedoms and their hard work ensures our right to vote is protected. Even so, they are denied one of the rights they fight to preserve. It is up to us fight for them here at home and vote in their stead.

If you are torn between two candidates pick the Republican in honor of a disenfranchised military member and if you were not going to vote please make the effort and vote Republican in honor of a military man or woman who has been screwed by corrupt political operatives.

The brave men and women of our military have our backs overseas, it is up to us to have their backs here at home.

Be a a patriot and stand up for a soldier.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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