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One-Third of DC Population is Illiterate

From Breitbart:

WASHINGTON (AP) – About one-third of the people living in the national’s [sic] capital are functionally illiterate, compared with about one-fifth nationally, according to a report on the District of Columbia.

Adults are considered functionally illiterate if they have trouble doing such things as comprehending bus schedules, reading maps and filling out job applications.

These people should not be hard to pick out, they are addressed as “Congressman”, “Congresswoman”, or “Senator”. The balance are those who work for one of the aforementioned people. Since they have not held real jobs they do not know how to fill out an application and their limo drivers are literate enough to get them around. Thus, they do not know how to read bus schedules or maps.

The population of illiterate people in DC jumped dramatically over the weekend when the anti war crowd showed up. Fortunately, the large numbers of Eagles kept the statistics from hitting the stratosphere by infusing a bunch of fully literate people into the general population.