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Oh No, One More Second Of George Bush

The liberal left cannot wait until George Bush is out of office and their savior, Barack Obama, takes the helm of state. They have never supported Bush and have done everything they could to oppose him and make it difficult for him to lead. Now they are counting the seconds until he is out of office.

Looks like they will have to count just one more. In a cruel twist of fate, the official timekeepers have added one more second (a leap second) to this year. This will realign the official clock with the rotation of the Earth. The bad news for the liberals is that George Bush will be in office one more second.

For those who said they could not tolerate him one second longer, too bad. You are going to have to.

But don’t worry little moonbats, once your president takes office he can change time for you while he is changing water into wine (or for him talc into cocaine) and feeding the masses with fishes and loaves.

If you ask me, you all should get him to use his divine powers to conger up some more toilets because there will only be about one for every 6000 of you who go to his inauguration. You guys are smelly enough without having soiled clothing.

Oh well, just wear Depends and all will be wonderful. Wait until the sainted one is speaking before you let loose and you can attribute that warm feeling you get to his comforting words.

The great thing is, whatever Obama is saying will be equal to what is filling your diapers…

One more second of George Bush. I know that will drive some of you over the edge. Just remember, cut your wrists lengthwise….

Yahoo News

Big Dog

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