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Obama’s Smart Diplomacy Gets Him Equated To Bush-Satan

A few years ago tin horn dictator Hugo Chavez, Sean Penn’s buddy, followed George Bush at the UN and before he spoke Chavez said that he could still smell sulfur. Chavez of course, was calling George Bush Satan and that did not sit too well with me. Not because it was Bush but because it was the leader of my country. Americans can say what they want about their leaders but crack pots from other countries are not entitled to do so and when they do they should be taken to task. A bullet through Chavez’s skull would be appropriate.

Obama danced into office talking up Hope and Change and the idea of smart diplomacy. He vowed to speak to tyrants such as Chavez without precondition. This, in the world according to Obama, will make them love us and make things better.

Hugo Chavez was in Copenhagen (ironic that a huge oil producer was greeted so warmly) and he made his sulfur remark once again. This time though, it was directed at Barack Obama.

Three years after Chavez likened Bush to the devil during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the socialist strongman tore into Obama, claiming Friday that “it still smells like sulfur in the world.” Fox

It was wrong when Chavez said this about Bush and it is wrong when he said it about Obama. Chavez is in no position to equate our leaders to Satan when he has run his country straight to hell. The true Satan incarnate is the person who uses force to squash dissent in his own nation, who nationalizes everything and who keeps his people in abject poverty. That person would be Hugo Chavez.

I have no problem with Americans who feel this way about their leaders because this is OUR country and we have a say in it which is a very huge difference between us and the Venezuelan people under Chavez.

This tin horn jackass needs to die of something close to lead poison.

I must say though, Mr. Obama how is that smart diplomacy working out for you? How does kissing the backsides of people like Chavez working out? Perhaps if you had shown some testicular fortitude when Chavez insulted this country he might have a little more respect for you.

There are some leaders who do not understand diplomacy that does not come at the end of a gun.

Chavez is one of them but he should be at the end of a rope.

Big Dog


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