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Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate

The Free Republic website was shut down today and remains down after a posting about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. I am unclear as to whether the website went down due to a huge amount of traffic or if it went down due to other reasons.

In any event, Gateway Pundit and Citizen Wells are reporting why this happened. Evidently, someone claims to have helped Devorah Adler, a political consultant and opposition research specialist for the Democratic National Committee in the United States, forge a birth certificate for Barack Obama. It is the forged certificate that was used by Fact Check.

“My name is Chanise Foxx. I work at a office supply store in Kenwood, IL. After nearly 3 years of silence and death threats to me and my family to stay quiet, I am compelled to come forward and tell the world my secret.

“I helped Obama campaign staffer Divorah Adler create a fake birth certificate for use in the famous Fact Check story to prove the world of Obama’s birth in the 2008 election. Divorah approached me in early 2007 and held onto the birth certificate until she released it in August 2008.

“As I’ve been making fake IDs part-time for local college students for about eight years now, faking a birth certificate was actually quite easy. Our first step was to get our hands on someone else’s birth certificate from Hawaii. We then created the stationary to match.

“Next, we had to create an embossed stamp and rubber signature stamp for Hawaiian officials. With the help of a high-resolution scanner at the store, I did most of my work at night when the place was vacant…””

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If Chanise Foxx is a real person (and remains alive) it would be interesting to see her explain how (and why) she did what she claims and to see if she has any proof that she did it and of Adler’s involvement.

If any of this pans out it would make for some interesting drama in the weeks ahead.

Of course, this could be more Obama subterfuge to make people look like they are crazy.

He could clear it all up with $10 but he is too busy working on the health care takeover.

Let’s see how this plays out. Pop the popcorn and sit back.

Big Dog


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