Obama Wants Us to Sacrifice Our Lifestyle

Barack Obama was in Oregon where he is expected to win the state’s Democratic primary. He held a rally where, according to reports, 70,000 mindless people showed up to listen to their new Messiah. There are still questions as to whether this was the “Walk on water tour” or the “Fishes and loaves tour” but whichever it was the Messiah of Socialism did not disappoint. Barry O told the crowd that America must lead by example. What example is that you ask? Is it by living in freedom? Is it by following the rule of law as laid out in our Constitution? Is it by demonstrating acts of kindness to everyone including our adversaries (like in China)? No, Barry wants us to lead by giving up things we have gained as a result of our freedom

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added. AFP [emphasis mine]

In order for the world to embrace the myth of man made global warming Americans have to give up eating what they want, driving what they want or keeping their homes at the temperatures they want. How exactly Barry O expects this leadership to take place is unclear but it is a sure bet that some type of government intervention will be involved. Perhaps increased taxes on SUVs, heating fuel and food deemed to be in excess of what the government thinks is required. Regardless of the method, it will certainly be a denial of our freedom to choose. As for exporting technologies, where is the money for that going to come from?

Despite what Barry O says, Americans should be free to drive what they want, eat what they want and keep their houses at the temperature they want and if the rest of the world does not like that then tough. Al Gore certainly does not set any examples for the world to follow. He has a carbon footprint that is larger than many small nations. Barry O has not given up traveling all over the country in jets in order to preach to the minions. He has a huge house that uses energy even while he is on the road or living in DC. I am not sure what he drives but if he is like most Democrats in Congress he drives a leased vehicle that uses lots of fuel.

Americans need to be focused on their own lives and on living the way they want. We do not need to care if people in third world nations around the globe are living a life that is substandard to ours. If they want improvement then they need to rise up and change their own situations. If they are waiting for me to stop driving a jeep for them I hope they are not holding their breath.

The Astute Bloggers
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Big Dog

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7 Responses to “Obama Wants Us to Sacrifice Our Lifestyle”

  1. Good article. You said a mouthfull. Agreed that “Al Gore certainly does not set any examples for the world to follow.”

    Faultline USAs last blog post..U.N. Human Rights Council Kicks-Up It’s Policy of Abusi

  2. Adam says:

    You act like it’s some liberal bunk that Obama is preaching. Yet it wouldn’t be the first time that Americans as individuals worked harder, went without, and gave up parts of their lifestyle in order to accomplish something great as a nation. America won both World Wars that way, you might recall. Of course you don’t think it’s that big of a deal but you’re in the minority.

    It’s not an issue of freedom, it’s an issue of personal responsibility. You know, that term you like to spout about welfare and taxes and people using your hard earned money? It applies here too.

    Nobody is asking anybody to do anything drastic, just asking for each of us to figure out one or two things in our daily lives that we can change in order to cut down on excess and pollution. And if at the end of the day science discovers that global warming is not happening the way we think, then at least we have made things cleaner for the next generations. Or maybe you just hate clean air, water, and soil?

  3. Big Dog says:

    Adam, to equate the two World Wars with the myth of global warming is insane. The wars were real and a real threat to our existence. No such proof has been offered about GW. It is a theory that has yet to be proven and the cyclic history of weather casts doubt upon it. It is more likely a scam that allows some to get rich.

    Obama did not ask us to find a few things that will help, he specifically said we had no moral authority to ask the rest of the world to do it if we are driving SUVs, eating what we want or keeping our houses at a certain temperature.

    Who are we to look after the rest and demand they do this. I am not willing to change my lifestyle to appease other nations. I do what I do to make my costs lower but I will continue to drive my Jeep and as long as I can afford to put gas in it then screw Obama.

    Tell him to fly commercial…

  4. Adam says:

    Sadly enough your view about global warming and your own lifestyle is more about stubbornly opposing liberal ideas than it is based on fact or myth. You dug a moat around your house and said “See. This man is an island.” Pathetic if you ask me…

    Adams last blog post..A Hillary Clinton Stalwart?

  5. Schatzee says:

    I disagree Adam. I don’t think it’s stubbornly opposing liberal ideas, it is advocating for the freedoms this country’s men and women have fought and died for. Each person should do what they feel they need to do in their lives. You want to go Green – more power to you. But for someone – anyone – to say we have no moral authority to do as we please, is dead wrong. We fought hard for these freedoms and the rights to do as we please. To try and shame people into doing what he thinks is best or what he believes will help other countries is outrageous and disgraceful.

    Furthermore, how come when someone wants to “help these other countries” by imposing on us, they turn around in the next breath and comment about how we don’t believe in Iraq helping those people. Strange, isn’t it?

  6. Big Dog says:

    I simply refuse to blindly follow an issue that is based on suppositions and implications that are not founded in science. GW is a theory that has yet to be proved and people are trying to mandate what I do to solve a problem that has yet to be demonstrated as true.

    I live my life as I see fit and as Shatzee said, if you want to be green go for it but don’t impose that on me.

  7. Lewanna says:

    Like we, NOT the minority, but we as the middle and poor classes haven’t given up, changed and reduced our lifestyles and activities already. All in the name of the rich, who still prosper and live grand.