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Obama To Republicans; Stop Trying To Frighten Americans

Members of both parties met with Barack Obama at the White House and he told the Republicans; “Stop trying to frighten the American people.”

President Barack Obama told House Republican leaders to “stop trying to frighten the American people” even as he and Democrats said they see a possibility for bipartisan cooperation on job creation legislation. The Hill

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said that Republicans are telling constituents the truth and that is far from trying to frighten them. Boehner made it clear that he and fellow Republicans are telling people what is happening and what will happen under the plans being pushed by Democrats.

Of course Obama does not like this because the truth stands in the way of his agenda to radically change America into a Socialist nation.

No, it is not Republicans who are trying to frighten people, it is in fact, the Democrats.

We must pass the stimulus NOW or we might not be able to recover. We must pass cap and trade NOW or the oceans will rise and drown us all. We must pass health care NOW or evil doctors and insurance companies will take advantage of people and we have to stop the thousands of people from dying in the streets. We must, we must, we must, it comes from Obama and his sock puppets and the intent is to frighten people into going along with what he wants. Everything is urgent because he does not want to let a crisis go to waste.

The latest fear mongering comes from the White House with regard to cap and trade. This week, the EPA stated that it will regulate CO2 and other greenhouse gases. This is widely seen as a bad thing because the EPA will make things costly with moronic rules regulating the gas every mammal exhales. Obama has warned that Congress had better get on cap and trade and pass it or the EPA will act. This is a threat and it is fear mongering.

The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn’t move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a “command-and-control” role over the process in way that could hurt business. Fox News

I am certain that this whole episode was well orchestrated by the White House to prod Congress, particularly the Democrats, into doing something on the cap and trade issue. There was no incentive to actively pursue the issue because it is unpopular, will cost more, will lead to higher unemployment, and will have little effect and the upcoming year is an election year. Democrats do not want to mess with this because they have to run for reelection and this issue is one that could sink them. Couple it with the extremely unpopular health care bills and you have a recipe for disaster for Democrats next November.

Obama wants it and this EPA ruse is a way to get Congress to act. Of course, Congress is the law making body. It could make a law saying the EPA cannot regulate greenhouse gases. It could defund the agency or pass a law disbanding it. Obama would be powerless to stop any of it. If Congressional Democrats feel that they are being pressured they might just do one of these things and that would be fine with me.

Get rid of the EPA. It is an unconstitutional agency that has way too much power. If Congress is not going to get rid of it then it can take some of the power away. Either would be an appropriate response.

But the entire issue is all about frightening the American people and putting pressure (under threat of EPA action) on Congress.

So perhaps Obama should look in the mirror because the reflection is the person to whom the admonishment should go.

Big Dog


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