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Obama The Watchdog

If there is one thing we can be thankful for, it is that Barack Obama is a watchdog. He is on duty like a faithful sentry ensuring that we, the little people, are guarded. Obama is such a watchdog that he walks in several circles before he lies down.

There’s no need to fear, Obama the watchdog is here and he will find the lying, stinking, tax cheats who are defrauding the government out of its money. Today the watchdog announced that he would be going after the tax cheats:

President Barack Obama vowed to “detect and pursue” American tax evaders Monday as he announced a plan to close tax loopholes and clamp down on overseas shelters. Breitbart

I will have to give him a passing grade on this so far. Since he has been in office he has pursued a number of Democrats to serve in his administration and he has detected that many of them failed to pay their income taxes. These unpatriotic ingrates failed to pay their taxes and the watchdog Obama discovered them and ensured they paid up.

OK, many did not pay interest and penalties and none of them were frog marched to jail for deliberately avoiding taxes but at least they were detected by watchdog. The problem seems to be that after watchdog Obama finds them and forces them to pay their taxes he then rewards them with high paying jobs. In fact, the Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is a major tax cheat who defrauded the government until watchdog found him.

Watchdog needs to head on over to Congress and sniff around to find out what is happening with the tax cheats there. Charlie Rangel, the pimp from New York, is responsible for writing tax laws and he must have thought he was exempt because he did not pay his taxes either. So far he has been able to escape sanctions.

Does anyone want to bet that watchdog will not be so easy on the regular folks who failed to pay taxes?

Then again, maybe this is how Obama plans on creating jobs. He is hiring 800 IRS Gestapo to go after tax cheats. Once he finds them he can force them to pay their taxes and then give them a job.

What a guy this watchdog is.

Watchdog will also go after companies that supposedly benefit from moving their businesses overseas. They already pay taxes to the US on their US profits and taxes to the foreign country on their foreign profits and then they pay taxes on the foreign profits when they move the money to the US so I don’t really know how watchdog is going to get any more out of them, but he says he will.

I predict that more companies will move their businesses out of the US.

I also predict Joe Six Pack will get hammered with interest and penalties for not paying his taxes.

Watchdog is spending like a drunken sailor and he needs all the money he can get and he will screw people to get it (unless they are Democrats and he wants them to work in his administration).

Fortunately, the Klingon ensures he gets walked or he would not be house broken.

We don’t need any more stains in the White House. Clinton left enough for the both of them.

Big Dog

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