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Obama Still Blames Bush

The country elected an inexperienced Socialist to the White House and it is evident each and every day that this was a mistake. Obama is unable to accept responsibility for anything and points fingers outward all the time. Ironically, he was the one who criticized the companies involved in the oil spill for pointing fingers.

Obama’s favorite target is George Bush. When something goes wrong Obama is quick to point out that Bush did it and it is all his fault. Obama ignores his own fault and rewrites history every chance he gets. His latest take is that the Republicans were responsible for the economic problems despite the best effort of Democrats to keep the ship right. This smacks in the face of reality since it was Republicans who warned about problems with the financial sector and Democrats who said that things were fundamentally sound and that there were no problems.

Barney Frank is now rewriting history by saying he never called for home ownership for all and just wanted people to be able to rent homes. This is a blatant lie. He called for mortgages to be given to low income families. Mortgages, for the challenged, are what people take out when they buy a home, not rent one.

Obama is working on his plan for the upcoming election and that plan is to blame it all on Bush. Obama will try to pin the problems the country has faced over the last nearly two years on Bush even though he [Obama] had fool proof majorities in the House and Senate and failed to get much done. His party is responsible for the high unemployment and though he will try to spin that, the reality is unemployment is much higher than under Bush and is higher than Obama said it would be when the Democrats passed the now failed stimulus package.

Obama tried to pin things on Bush in Virginia and New Jersey and he lost both governors. He tried this tack with Massachusetts and lost a Senate seat held by Democrats for nearly five decades.

Obama got away with blaming Bush for problems right after he took office but at some point people have to look at things and decide that they are now Obama’s issues. That point has been crossed and people are no longer buying the blame Bush mentality. Well, except for the rabid base that thinks Bush is responsible for all the bad in the world.

The sane among us know differently. When the election rolls around the Democrats will have had control of Congress for nearly four years and the White House for nearly two. The Democrats were in charge when things went south and they took complete control and drove things deeper into the abyss. Their years of pandering to people and redistributive policies have caused problems for the economy and our society as a whole.

But Obama will ignore all of this and blame it all on Bush.

What do you expect from a man who claims that his regime thwarted several terrorist attacks when the reality is the attackers were too inept to detonate their devices. The only thing that saved people was blind luck. That is what happens when the most transparent regime fails to provide intelligence information in accordance with the law.

And luck is not proper mission planning.

Not to worry, he can blame that on Bush as well…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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