Obama Should Take His Own Advice

The situation in Egypt is hitting critical mass and no matter the outcome things will be unsettled there for some time to come. Barack Obama has been cautious in commenting on the situation but has given every indication (without directly stating it) that he wants President Mubarak to step down. Obama, laughably, said that Mubarak should listen to the people of his country:

“He needs to listen to what is being voiced by the Egyptian people, and make a judgment about a pathway forward that is orderly, but that is meaningful and serious.” AFP via Google News

This “advice” comes from a man who blatantly disregarded the will of the people with regard to the Stimulus package and the health care takeover known as Obamacare. The majority of the population opposed these things, particularly Obamacare, and yet he and his Democrats pressed forward and rammed this down our throats.

If Obama thinks that a leader should listen to what is voiced by his people then Obama failed miserably. He ignored the will of the people (and has done so on more than one occasion) and did what he wanted rather than what the populace wanted.

If an uprising among the population is enough for Obama to advise a country’s leader to step down and listen to the people then perhaps we need millions of people to march on DC and demand that Obama step down. Want to bet his tune would change then?

Obama is disingenuous and hypocritical. He advises a leader to listen to what his people are saying when he has done nothing but turn a deaf ear to what the people of his own country have said.

Can the Egyptians actually take this guy seriously?

More importantly, can we?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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4 Responses to “Obama Should Take His Own Advice”

  1. This “advice” comes from a man who blatantly disregarded the will of the people with regard to the Stimulus package and the health care takeover known as Obamacare.


    BHO has zero credibility with his “advice” to Egypt.

  2. Blake says:

    The “mob” in the square in Cairo could be compared to the Tea Party- extreme dissatisfaction with the status quo, and wanting more freedoms and less autocratic leadership from the oppressive govt.
    And the pro- Mubarak supporters could be the moronic union goon squads, always trying to stir up trouble and violence.

  3. Ogre says:

    Of course, Big Dog, Obama doesn’t really mean that leaders should listen to the people. Instead, what he means is that Mubarak should listen to the people of Egypt — because they want a Muslim caliphate, and Obama thinks that’s great.

    Obama despises freedom in any form.

  4. Eoj Trahneir says:

    Mubarak was placed on the throne with the explicit assistance of The U.N.
    He still has those friends in low places…