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Obama Retreats To Get Something Passed

Barack Obama is working hard to get something, anything, passed with regard to health care. This is one of his signature pieces of legislation and something he based a large part of his campaign on so he needs it to pass. The problem is, more and more people do not trust him because of the way he handled the so called crisis known as the economic downturn. Obama said we had to act now and that we could not wait. No one read the bill and we ended up with 9000 items of pork in a bill that has failed to stimulate anything except our debt. It cost nearly a trillion dollars and has had no effect on the economy. It has been a failure.

Now people hear Obama making similar claims about having to do health care reform NOW. No one has read the bill and there are items in it that are unpopular because they are paths to rationing, socialism, and end of life decisions that will be mandates more than anything else.

This mess will also add a lot of money to the deficit because there is no method to pay for it.

Obama has used a straw man argument to push his health care agenda. He presents only two items, his plan and doing nothing. His position is that if anyone opposes what he wants then they are advocating for doing nothing. Then he goes on to attack the idea of doing nothing. The fact of the matter is there are plenty of things that can be done and there are plenty of people expressing ideas that do not involve a complete overhaul of the health care system. Some of them were presented when Obama was a Senator and he VOTED AGAINST EVERY ONE OF THEM. This is because Obama wants the government to have complete control over the health care system so that they can more tightly control our lives. This is a plan long espoused by communists who knew that taking control of the health care of people allows government to take control of people. Obama and the Democrats want control of the people. If Obama cared about the people or their health then he would have voted for the bills that were presented in the past but he DOES NOT CARE.

Barack Ocommunist is about controlling people and remaking America in the image of his hero Saul Alinksy. We as a people need to put a stop to Obama and his twinkle toes chief of staff who continues to run roughshod over those who oppose the Democrat’s agenda of destruction of our country.

The media wing of the Democratic party is on board with the New York Times and others claiming that opposition to Obamacare comes from conservatives as if no one else dares to take a stand against Obama and his merry men.

If things do not go well — and right now Mr. Obama’s political popularity is declining, his health care legislation is under conservative assault… [emphasis mine]

The Olbermans and other scumbags in the media are shilling for this disgrace of a leader and are working to help him transform America into a socialist country full of people living in subservience to the government. We cannot allow this to happen and people from all walks are stepping up to oppose this abortion. We need to keep the pressure on.

Republicans in Congress must not vote for any health care bill presented even if it does not include the public option. At this point in the game Obama is looking for anything he can call a victory and Bill Clinton is urging Democrats not to get too upset if they do not get all they want telling them they might not get the full loaf. The implication is that they need to get something passed and then it will be easier to tweak it down the road. Once that camel’s nose gets under the tent we will not keep it out.

We need to hand Obama a resounding defeat on this. If they decide to use procedures to bypass rules and allow the votes to go forward then let the Democrats be responsible for passing it. No Republican should vote for any portion of the Obama plan. It will be as terrible as the stimulus and be as big a failure.

Make the left pass it with their majority and hold them accountable for their vote. Any Republican ho votes for this should be rmoved from office.

We need to hand Obama a defeat and we need it to be a big defeat. He needs to be taken down a few pegs along with the people behind him. We need to reassert ourselves and show them who the boss is. They need to be reminded that they work for us.

Don’t be fooled by the change in tone. Obama is looking to save face politically and he is willing to sacrifice part of his wish list to be able to say he got health care reform passed.

We need to deny him this. Now is not the time to waiver or get weak. Keep putting pressure on them and make them feel the heat.

Big Dog

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