Obama Policies Bring Murder to Chicago

Barack Hussein Obama is an ultra liberal socialist who wants the government to run every aspect of our lives. He does not believe in traditional American values and he has little regard for this country other than his own desire to run it. Obama believes that small town America clings to guns and religion out of bitterness and that we need to see the Obama light to be relieved of our bitterness. We already know how Obama feels about religion because we got a first hand look at his church and the racist pastor that Obama listened to and followed for over 20 years.

How Obama feels about guns is a different story. He is elusive when asked about gun ownership and he uses buzz words like sensible regulation which really means that he thinks the government should decide how we are allowed to exercise our Second Amendment rights. Obama wrote on a questionnaire that he favored a ban on the manufacture, sale or possession of firearms. He wrote it in his own handwriting though now he claims that he did not fill it out. However, I have read many articles where Obama said that he believed we should ban guns. Obama has never really stated his agreement with the Second Amendment. He always discusses protecting a person’s right to own a gun to hunt or target shoot. I have never heard him say that people had the right to own firearms to protect themselves. Why would he? Socialists believe the government is the great protector. They know that an armed citizenry can oppose the tyranny of government and that is why they want us disarmed. Obama, like many liberals, believes that disarming people will bring safety to our streets despite the fact that this has been shown to be false on a number of occasions. We have seen time and again that states with carry laws, those with the most weapons, are the safest and have the fewest gun crimes. There are only gun crimes in these states in so called gun free zones, think Virginia Tech.

Several times throughout this campaign B. Hussein Obama mentioned the 34 or so Chicago school kids who were killed in 2007. At one event he was asked about Virginia Tech and he mentioned the Chicago youths and then said that the problem would not be solved until we cared about the Chicago kids as much as the VT students. When Obama makes mention of things such as this his followers go nuts and agree with him because they have lost the ability to think. Obama is telling them that guns are a problem and that kids in Chicago get killed with guns.

What he fails to tell them is that Chicago has extremely tough gun laws. According to the Obama thought process, there should be little to no gun deaths in Chicago. The poor chirren in Chicago schools should not be getting killed because guns are outlawed and Obama has told us that outlawing them will solve the problem. He and his liberal colleagues fail to mention that while Virginia is a must issue state, the campus at VT is a gun free zone and that means, according to Obama, there should be no gun violence there. And yet, people died. The liberals lie about the efficacy of gun control and continue to espouse policies that do not work. Liberals lie and people die.

The Democrats knew that they got beaten up in previous elections because of their opposition to free people owning guns so they retooled their message. They threw in the buzz words and they triangulated. They try to appeal to the middle Americans who own guns and who live their lives every day without using those guns illegally so that they can be elected where they can continue to impose Draconian gun laws on people. Assault weapons bans, gun free zones, fingerprinting ammunition, and any a number of other mindless schemes await us if these fools take a large majority and get the White House.

I have already stated that Chicago has tough gun laws and that, according to Obama and the libs, there should be little crime there. Over this past weekend 32 people have been shot and 6 have been killed there in what is being described as gang related violence. How is this happening and how come the strict gun laws there have not prevented this? Why are people running around taking lives? Any bets that some of the gang bangers are ILLEGALS, the same people that Obama claims we hate because of bitterness?

I wonder if the gang bangers in Chicago are bitter like those described in Obama’s vision of small town America? Perhaps these people clung to the same religion Obama did and heard the same message which then made them bitter so they turned to guns.

Perhaps it is because Chicago is full of liberals and has been in the control of Democrats for decades. The same welfare, failed policies, and gun control that Obama and others want to impose on the country are already in place there and have been for a long time. Those very liberal policies and the accompanying liberal leadership has fostered an environment that allows people to go around killing each other (with weapons they are not allowed to have). Obama and his ilk will blame this on the availability of guns (but keep in mind there is strict gun control) and will call for a ban on them.

I say that the reason there is disorder is because of failed liberal politicians and their failed liberal policies.

Instead of banning guns we should ban liberals.

That would make America safer.

Big Dog

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4 Responses to “Obama Policies Bring Murder to Chicago”

  1. Lee says:

    Are you really as stupid as you seem? If you think Obama is an “ultra liberal socialist” you have no idea what you’re talking about. Why don’t you try studying politics a little so that you can actually define terms like “socialist” before you start throwing them around?

  2. chonch says:

    if he’s ultra liberal why is he for privatized healthcare? you have no brain

  3. Big Dog says:

    He wants universal health care paid for by the taxpayer. In addition to paying for our own insurance we will have to pay for people who do not have any.

    First of all, that is unconstitutional and second of all universal health care is a liberal philosophy.

    If he is not an ultra liberal why is he rated as the most liberal Senator in the Senate?

    And I am the one without a brain? How about you learn about politics before you go around showing your ignorance?

  4. Martin Altizer says:

    I LIKE your blog- i have maintained almost from the start of Obama’s campaign that his life is the Manchurian Candidate from the Islamic position…childhood indoctrination as opposed to a POW, but the possibilities are rampant- formative years, foreign society, the likelihood that a young man would accept any offer of friendship, then be led like a sheep to the rockpile by a religion that measures hatreds not just in a few years or a generation or so, but in centuries. One little soporific in a beverage at a “friend’s” home could set the ball rollong.
    I treasure my Second Amendment rights, althoughI hope to never again have to cause harm to another human being, having been responsible for 56 confirmeds in government service. My only solace is that if Obama starts the next presidential term, Biden will finish it. JFK/Johnson is my listed precedant.The 2 writer from May 2 & 9 need a proctologist to remove their heads from their nether orifice.