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Obama Once Again Takes Lead From Bush

Remember during the campaign when Obama said that Bush did everything wrong in the war on terror. We should not be in Iraq, Gitmo should be closed and we should not be holding the people for no reason. That is when Barry was the candidate and had to appeal to the anti war left in order to be different from the other Democrats who voted for the war. Hillary had to be hawkish in order to show a woman could be tough. Obama, the metrosexual, showed he was the learned one on such matters.

This continued in the general election campaign when he linked McCain to Bush and said that McCain would just give us more of the same. Obama and his minions even took a McCain statement out of context and convinced people that McCain said it would be OK to be in the war for 100 years (a blatant lie).

Since being elected Obama has taken many of the same positions as Bush with regard to the war. He is now employing a surge in Afghanistan (where are the MSM with the body counts and Code Pink burning effigies), he has adjusted his time line and now he is even taking the Bush stance on prisoners. He wants to close Gitmo but he thinks it will be OK to keep people, even those found not guilty, if they are deemed to be a threat to us:

The Obama administration said Tuesday it could continue to imprison non-U.S. citizens indefinitely even if they have been acquitted of terrorism charges by a U.S. military commission.

Jeh Johnson, the Defense Department’s chief lawyer, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that releasing a detainee who has been tried and found not guilty was a policy decision that officials would make based on their estimate of whether the prisoner posed a future threat.

Like the Bush administration, the Obama administration argues that the legal basis for indefinite detention of aliens it considers dangerous is separate from war-crimes prosecutions. Officials say that the laws of war allow indefinite detention to prevent aliens from committing warlike acts in future, while prosecution by military commission aims to punish them for war crimes committed in the past. WSJ

All those people who voted for Obama and said it would be great to have anyone but Bush in office now have someone who is closely following Bush with regard to the war on terror.

Obama found out fast that it is different when you are looking from the inside.

His supporters who thought he was going to end all of this must be delusional. I, on the other hand, predicted this would happen. Obama will say or be anything to get into office.

Funny thing is Obama said McCain would be George Bush’s third term. Looks like Obama is now holding Bush’s third term.

Maybe we will get lucky and all his supporters will stroke out over this war mongering hero they voted for.

Big Dog

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