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Obama Lectures On Fiscal Responsibility Then Spends Too Much

Barack Obama ticked off the people of Las Vegas for a second time when he said that people could not just go to Vegas and blow a bunch of money. Of course, the money is yours (though he might see it differently) and what you do with it is your business. But, if you are blowing your money in Vegas or anywhere else you should not be looking for a government handout. Obama’s latest economic advice is:

“When times are tough, you tighten your belts.”

“You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage….”

“You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.” Charlie Foxtrot

I do not disagree with any of that but if you decide not to tighten your belt, to buy a boat or to blow your money in Vegas it is your business. Just don’t ask the taxpayer to pay for your lack of fiscal prudence.

The hilarity of all this is that Obama, while admonishing people and extolling the virtues of fiscal responsibility, submitted a budget that increases spending by 36% and runs a huge deficit.

Obama doubled the deficit in his first year (Dick Morris explains how it is not all Bush’s fault) and will increase the deficit by even more with his out of control spending.

In other words Mr. Obama, you can’t spend money you don’t have if you really want to decrease the deficit.

It is amazing that Obama had the nerve to dispense economic advice while doing the opposite of what he preached.

My wife and I have a balanced household budget. We spend less than we make and put the rest into savings and retirement. This was not always the case as I can remember the days when I made $600 a month as a private in the Army while trying to support my family. There were plenty of months where we had three days of food and five days until payday.

We did without and were prudent with our money and now we are in positions where we earn enough to pay our bills and save. We did this by doing without. We lived (and continue to live) within our means.

Barack Obama should try running his budget the way we run ours and the government would be better off. Do without the things that are not necessary. Cut programs (particularly redundant ones) and spend less.

But then again it is always easier to spend when it is someone else’s money.

As long as we taxpayers allow those in government to extort money from us they will continue to spend like there is no tomorrow.

And if they keep it up there will be no tomorrow.

Did We Just Get Lectured on Fiscal Responsibility By the Guy With the $1.6 Trillion Budget Deficit? [Hot Air]

Big Dog


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