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Obama Leadership Equals Crisis Management

There is no doubt that Barack Obama assembled one of the greatest teams in history to run his campaign. He always had surrogates to go on the attack or to make claims of racism while he appeared to remain above the fray. His fund raising set all kinds of records. He received money from all over the world and some of the donors were American citizens who donated only the legal amount. His team was able to hide the fund raising shenanigans and keep on moving on.

Then the unflappable, charismatic junior Senator from Illinois actually won. That is when he found out that leading a campaign is a lot different than leading the country. Obama is getting more gray hair each day as his “tracking poll” from the stock market keeps making a nosedive. He has already spent more money than the complete cost of the war and has raised the deficit higher than Bush did in eight years. Bush took a small Clinton deficit and nearly doubled it and Obama has nearly tripled it (for those who think Clinton had a surplus, using the same accounting tricks the war on terror has cost NOTHING). Obama said he would abandon the Bush policies and there would not be more of the same. I guess tripling the deficit instead of doubling it counts.

People are getting weary of Obama because he has clearly demonstrated that he cannot lead. He is finding out that it is one thing to run for office and promise the world but that it is quite another to actually have to do something. The leadership of Obama (if we can actually call it that) is crisis management. This has been elaborated upon several times and Obama confirmed it today. The crisis management approach was lain out by Rahm Emanuel who stated:

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

This was what Rahm said prior to Obama taking office and in the midst of the economic meltdown that was created by Democratic policies and probably assisted along by Obama supporters when there was a mysterious huge run on the financial market.

What the ballerina is saying is that they know that in normal times there are things that would not pass the sniff test in Congress. There are items that will not pass no matter what and that there are others that might pass but they would be politically unwise. With a crisis they can hype it up for all it is worth and pass things that would otherwise never pass just by screaming crisis and telling people that the world will end if we do not act NOW!

Interestingly, Hillary Clinton said the same thing on her little jaunt to Europe.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience Friday “never waste a good crisis,” and highlighted the opportunity of rebuilding economies in a greener, less energy-intensive way. al-Reuters

Here the focus is on the environment and making things all nice and green. But the principle is the same. Use the crisis to scare up support for expensive repairs for an unproven problem and claim it is necessary in order to provide jobs and save Mother Earth. Incidentally, the Earth has been here for millions of years before man set foot on it and it will be here a long time after we are gone. Global warming will not end our time here.

So we have the ballerina and the Secretary of State discussing using a crisis to screw the country and they are on the same sheet of music because that is what their boss, King Hussein has decided to do.

Well, I don’t think he decided to lead that way. I believe that this is the only thing he knows. He has NEVER been a leader in his adult life. He was a rabble rouser in Chicago and he was present in the Illinois legislature. Then he went to the US Senate where he had an unremarkable stint. He ended up in the White House and he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.

Let me correct that, he could lead his “followers” anywhere because they will do anything he wants. They are lemmings who will follow him off a cliff.

Today on his weekly radio address The Evil Won stated very clearly that his “leadership” style is crisis management.

“Yes, this is a moment of challenge for our country,” Obama said. “But we’ve experienced great trials before. And with every test, each generation has found the capacity to not only endure, but to prosper – to discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis.” My Way News

The great opportunity of which he speaks is the opportunity for him and his Democrats to spend like there is no tomorrow.

And with them at the wheel, there might not be.

Big Dog

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