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Obama Laments Distraction but not His

Barack Obama was discussing his contest with Hillary Clinton when he made reference to her claim about throwing the kitchen sink at him. Obama stated that Hillary had thrown the China and soon the buffet would be coming. Obama stated that the things Hillary is discussing are distractions and take them away from discussing the issues that people want to hear about.

I wonder how long it will be before someone takes him to task for making a reference to Hillary’s temper and who will make the connection of woman-China-kitchen (though Hillary opened it up with the sink reference). Maybe that was why Obama mentioned (during the debate) Hillary and her famous “baking cookies” remark years ago. Obama thinks this woman belongs in a kitchen.

Amazingly (or maybe not) Obama is lamenting over the distractions caused by the Clinton campaign but his campaign is just as guilty. His campaign held a conference call to discuss the Bosnia sniper lie and it has taken as many opportunities to go after Hillary and ignore policy as her campaign has. This is just another case of the kettle and pot scenario or as Jake Trapper ponders:

Is Clinton’s Bosnia-sniper-fire story not a “distraction,” while Rezko, Wright, Ayers, Bitter-gate, and the flag pin are “distractions”?

In the article about this Obama stated he was from Chicago so he knows politics is rough business and he assures us he can handle it. Ignoring the stuttering and stammering he did in the last debate, when he was handling it, Obama has given us more insight. He is from Chicago and that place has a history of having the dirtiest and unethical politics around. There is little that goes on there that is legal and the Democrats there continue in the tradition of past criminal politicians. Obama learned politics in Chicago so it is not hard to imagine he knows how to skirt the law with the best of them. Think Rezko.

Obama is just as guilty as Clinton with regard to distractions. They have both engaged in the politics of personal destruction and have shied away from the issues. People claim Obama discusses issues but he only talks of hope and change with little substance or information as to how he will change things. He hopes you will not notice and many have not.

The Democrats are tearing each other apart. She and her veiled shots at his race and he at her sex. Their supporters are mean and nasty and the slightest criticism of either brings out the rabid supporters and their attacks.

John McCain is the one who benefits from the dysfunctional Democratic Party and he must be loving it. As an aside, Jack Murtha (American traitor) recently stated that John McCain was too old to be president (did know there was an upper age limit in the Constitution) and there was little criticism of his remarks by the Democratic establishment.

I wonder how nutty the Democrats would become (nuttier?) if a prominent Republican claimed Obama was too young to be president?

Just a thought for this Monday morning…


Big Dog

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