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Obama Is A Little Fuzzy On History

The Anchoress has a nice piece that describes the Obama ascension from lowly Christian candidate to a full blown “proud to have Muslim roots” politician. Alex Haley looks like a piker compared to the sainted one discussing his roots.

Speaking of self-revelation, in the past President Obama has written and talked about how he has been exposed to Islam all his life and has stated that the Muslim Call to Prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on earth”. He then recited the call in “a first-class accent” (that line no longer exists in the New York Times). Just recently Obama – who made a fuss if anyone mentioned his middle name, Hussein, during the 2008 campaign – has made much of his familial connections to Islam.

Don Surber points out that Rush Limbaugh took Obama to task on some of the “facts” the sainted one uttered during his 6000 word speech.

RUSH: “OK. I know we’re not supposed to criticize Obama’s speech here. I know it’s going way off the reservation here to do this. But, folks, that is outrageous. This is simply outrageous. It was absurd, in fact. Let’s see. here do we start here? ‘It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra.’ No. The origins of algebra trace back to the ancient Babylonians. They were not Muslims. Algebra was temporarily developed by the ancient Greeks and later the English. ‘Our magnetic compass, tools of navigation,’ Islam gave us these? No. Recent research suggests that the compass may have been discovered by Central Americans, but if they didn’t do it, the Chinese are then its discoverers. In either case, be it the Chinese or the Central Americans, the compass was discovered centuries before the advent of Islam.

“Now, what am I supposed to say? I’m not supposed to say this stuff. Now, let’s see, let’s see. ‘Our mastery of pens and printing…’ Has anybody ever heard of Gutenberg? I didn’t know Gutenberg was a Muslim. ‘Our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed…’? Are there Nobel Prizes for Medicine awarded to Muslims I have missed? ‘Islamic has given us some majestic arches and soaring spires…’ Well, sorry, folks, but arches and spires predate the arrival of Islam by centuries. I mean, come on, folks. Arches? Anybody heard of Rome? He also talked about the great gift, ‘timeless poetry and cherished music.’ The only problem there is that music — and musical instruments especially — are forbidden in most Islamic traditions. And it should be unnecessary to have to note Islam’s ‘religious tolerance’ has been demonstrated.”

One of the liberals who visits here regularly would say that Obama did not lie because we could not prove he intended to tell untruths. This is fair enough and I don’t want to start that debate again (suffice it to say that by this standard of proof, Bush never lied). I will just say that Obama is a product of several liberal colleges. He was taught this stuff and he does not know any better. He is evidently not as smart as everyone reports because if he were he might actually fact check before spewing these things.

Then again, he might be deliberately lying to deceive people. His base is full of people who have mush for brains and who would follow him off a cliff not to mention they are less educated than he. It would not be hard for him to convince them that what he is saying is true. In fact, all he has to do is say it and they believe it is true (see regular liberal commenter).

It would not surprise me. Obama is all in favor of helping the Muslims out. He lied about their history and he lied about how peaceful they are. He is actually being the front man for them. Not surprising since he has to help out his new found roots.

Big Dog

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