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Obama Failure Leads To Iranian Missile Launch

Iranian media are reporting that Iran has test fired an air to surface missile that is designed to be shot from aircraft at naval vessels. I guess Iran believes that it would have aircraft left to shoot anything if it provokes confrontation with the US.

The test fire of the missile coupled with Obama’s capitulation to Russia regarding an anti missile defense system in Poland (for the purpose of defending against Iran) means that the Obama administration has failed in its diplomatic endeavor. While Obama was busy trying to build a Socialist US and giving cutesy buttons to Russia (are we not trying to keep them from PUSHING a button) he took his eyes off Iran and now that country is flexing its muscle, all with the backing of Russia.

I know that those on the left will not see it this way and somehow they will find a way to blame this on George Bush but that is not how they looked at the North Korean nuclear tests. The left said that the tests were a result of failed diplomacy on the part of the then president.

If that is the case then one can only conclude that missile tests by Iran and rebukes by Russia are a failure of Obama’s attempts at diplomacy.

The North Korean nuclear tests are discussed at The Friends Committee on National Legislation, The Talking Points Memo, and The Democratic Underground.

Remember, it was John Kerry who said that Bush had ignored the nuclear nightmare happening in North Korea but said the US should offer nuclear fuel to Iran in exchange for it abandoning its fissile material production complex.

So, Clinton gave the North Koreans the heavy water reactor, Kerry wanted to give Iran nuclear fuel, North Korea used the equipment to develop a nuke and test it, the Iranians enrich their own fuel and are now testing missiles that could be used to deliver nukes and to shoot at naval vessels and I am willing to bet that somehow this will all be Bush’s fault.

How long will it take these organizations, the Drive By Media and Obama supporters like Kerry to conclude that Obama has failed in his diplomatic efforts?

Don’t hold your breath…

Big Dog

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