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Obama Does Not Need Fact Checkers

Barack Obama has had a devil of a time getting ads out that were factually correct. His ads tout bills he never voted on or sponsored and they make false claims about his opponent. None of this really matters because the people who support Obama are star struck and would believe anything he says. This is why he does not need fact checkers. They would never consider the truth as an alternative and in the unlikely event that people start to notice the chosen one shouts Hope and Change and all the supporters go back into a trance.

Obama’s latest ad calls John McCain a tool of Big Oil (which is better than being a tool, like The One). Obama makes this claim because McCain has received money from oil companies and, according to Pbama, has voted to give Big Oil tax breaks. There is just one small problem with these two assertions. Obama has received money from Big Oil so he has no moral high ground from which to cast stones. But at least these donations are legal, unlike many of Obama’s other donations.

The other problem with the ad is the claim about tax breaks. McCain voted against a bill that would give a break to oil companies (and other energy producers). Get that, McCain voted against it. The Obama ad shows Bush and McCain and the narrator states; “After one president in the pocket of big oil — we can’t afford another.” The Bill McCain voted against was one the president favored so it would appear that they were not two peas in that pod.

But the interesting thing that will likely escape the Obamabots is that Obama voted FOR the bill giving the oil companies tax breaks… Obama voted for the very item his ad goes after McCain for.

Obama is out touting his energy plan. He wants to take money from the profits of the oil companies and give each person $1000 to help afford gas or heating oil. When the government seizes the assets of a private company and then distributes them to the people, this is Socialism. It is redistribution of wealth plain and simple. Once again Obama shows he is a Socialist. BTW, windfall profit taxes did not work the last time a Democrat tried them.

I am going to write this again because the mind numbed Obama followers and the idiot Democrats in Congress seem to have trouble with it. They use terms like obscene profits, record profits and other words to make it seem as if the oil companies are above any other company and are screwing people. This is simply NOT the case. The profit margins of the oil companies is between 8 and 12%. This is a perfectly acceptable profit margin and it is not obscene. The dollar amounts are hig but the percentage is normal. Many companies have profit margins much larger than Big Oil. Coke and Microsoft are two. The government is not confiscating their assets and giving it to others.

Let me be clearer for the really slow liberals (but I repeat myself), the oil companies make 8-10 cents per gallon of gas sold. That is it, 8-10 cents. The government, on the other hand, takes 18.4 cents per gallon (and this does not include what the states take). This means that the government is taking in more than the oil companies are on the sale of gasoline. Where are the cries about obscene profits the government gets for a product it has nothing to do with? You want price gouging, the federal gas tax is it.

It is very simple folks. Supply and demand. If we drill our own we will increase supply and the price will go down.


Big Dog