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Obama Dedicated To Deficit Reduction

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was busy spinning the propaganda today and he told one whopper of a lie. He said that Barack Obama is dedicated to deficit reduction.

“I think that has been proven again and again, White House press secretary Jay Carney said of President Obama’s commitment to reducing the deficit. “Most recently by the continuing resolution negotiation that averted a government shutdown earlier this year with Republicans that tighten deficits significantly in this fiscal year by the Affordable Care Act, which is a long term deficit.” Real Clear Politics

Since Obama has been in office the deficit has nearly quadrupled. It is around $1.5 TRILLION this year alone. Obama’s last budget increased the deficit and the negotiations that took place did absolutely nothing to tighten deficits significantly. Additionally, Obamacare will not reduce the deficit. It will, according to a number of sources, increase the problem by as much as $2.5 TRILLION.

Obama has been too busy passing expensive Socialist legislation and playing golf to do anything that deals with reducing the deficit. He is only interested in raising taxes and spending more money.

But, this is what passes for dedication in Obamaland. Hell, this dedication to reducing the deficit is producing similar results as his laser beam focus on jobs.

Since Obama focused like a laser beam, the unemployment rate rose and has been high the entire time. There is no end in sight.

It would appear as if Obama’s idea of dedication and laser beam focus is different from those who inhabit the successful world. Successful people who are dedicated and laser beam focused achieve positive results.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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