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Obama Calls Finger Pointing “Ridiculous Spectacle”

It is very ironic that on the day that Barack Obama expressed his frustration over the efforts to contain the oil leak in the Gulf by pointing fingers at those who are to blame, he expressed how displeased he was at the finger pointing by the entities responsible for the mess.

“I did not appreciate what I considered to be a ridiculous spectacle during the congressional hearings into this matter,” he intoned. “You had executives of BP and Transocean and Halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else.” CBS

Obama took the opportunity to blame George W Bush (though not by name) which has been his pattern since taking office. The so called “Ridiculous Spectacle” of finger pointing that Obama does not appreciate is something he has been doing since he took office.

Obama or his sock puppets have blamed Bush for every problem faced (and have never given him credit when something good happens) and they continue to this very day. Barack Obama is unable to accept any criticism of something taking place without reminding people that he inherited a mess or that Bush did this or the past administration did that.

That, for you Obama sycophants, is FINGER POINTING. So it smacks of irony that the finger pointer in chief would have trouble with companies pointing fingers at each other.

And to clear the record, oil companies might very well have been friendly with government regulators over the past decade or longer (they were) but Obama has been in office for nearly a year and a half and it was his regime that issued all the waivers in this mess and it continued to issue them after the problem. HIS REGIME issued them. If he were concerned about a cozy relationship he would have been more proactive.

Funny how he does not care how cozy labor unions, communists, socialists, illegal immigrants, and terrorists are with his regime…

At least they now have another “crisis” they can’t let go to waste…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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