Obama Back Peddling On Change

Barack Obama has been hailed as the second coming of the Lord himself and is the messiah to the Democratic party. He arrived on the scene with his mantra of Hope and Change and people lined up to get a second helping of Kool Aid. Barack Obama promised everyone that, if elected, his administration would bring change to Washington and that there would be no more of the business as usual.

Obama is so set on change that when he was in the primary campaign against Hillary Clinton he said that she would be more of the same. He said that electing Hillary would not amount to change because she was part of the old Washington establishment. No one except Obama himself would amount to change because all the others have been part of the problem in DC and you should only pick them if you want more of the same.

But a funny thing happened on the way to sainthood. After Obama had won the primary nomination he started to do things that were contrary to what he had been preaching for nearly 2 years.The kooks on the left who supported him were beginning to get a little worried but they continued to support him because they knew he was only moving to the middle in order to get elected, or so they thought. Though it is true that liberals always pretend to be moderates in order to get elected (they cannot get elected adhering to their far left philosophy), Obama seems not to have returned to his far left roots, at least when it comes to his selections.

The whole “no more DC as usual” shtick began to unravel when Obama selected Joe Biden to be his running mate. Biden has been in DC for 36 years so he is well embedded in the ways of DC. He is in no way an example of change. He is not new and he is not the “change we need.”

The nervous left embraced Biden because he has experience. The left knows that Obama has a paper thin resume and that he is in way over his head. They are worried that they are getting someone who has no idea what he is doing but they were so desperate to win that they placed this desire above the welfare of the country. So the left gives Obama a pass on Biden with regard to change because he has experience.

After Obama won the general election he started picking people to serve in his administration and no one he selected was new. All of them have DC experience and nearly all of them are retreads from the Clinton administration. Obama promised change but he has not demonstrated that which he preached.

Obama has even opted to keep the current Secretary of Defense much to the disgust of the left who do not view anything Bush as change. But the selection that sums it all up is the one of Hillary to be Secretary of State. Obama said that Hillary was part of the problem, old school, an insider and not an agent of change. So he selects her to be part of his administration.

For those of you who actually believed this hack. For those of you who were wandering around like a zombie repeating Hope and Change. For those of you who thought things were going to be different and that Obama was going to keep his word. Here is what he had to say about change:

“What we are going to do is combine experience with fresh thinking,” Mr Obama said at his third press conference in as many days. He said he would be foolish, at such a “critical time in our history”, to pick people who “had no experience in Washington whatsoever”.

He added: “What I don’t want to do is somehow suggest that because you somehow served in the last [Clinton]administration you are barred from serving again.” Times Online UK

Barack Obama ran for 2 years on the idea that we needed to bring change to DC and that the same old ways would not work and now he is saying that it would be foolish who had no experience in Washington. Sometimes, out of the mouths of babes comes a nugget of wisdom. While the left is upset that Obama is not bringing change they are ignoring the fact that he called them all fools.

He said that it would be foolish to pick people who had no experience in DC. Barack Obama has no experience in DC. He has worked 143 days there and he has accomplished next to nothing. Obama has no experience whatsoever.

But he had enough to fool all the suckers who voted for him. Change?

Right and I have this bridge I am interested in selling…

Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Obama Back Peddling On Change”

  1. SpideyTerry says:

    You can almost hear Obama saying (ala Nelson Muntz), “Haw-haw.”

    Sheesh, I love the irony that he picked people like Hillary or Gates – people whose judgment he pretty much denounced throughout the last two years. (“Hillary has horrific judgment.” “The surge is doomed to fail.”)

    “What we are going to do is combine experience with fresh thinking”

    So far, the only one with (supposed) fresh thinking is Obama himself. Everyone so far on his team has experience. Not much a combo, huh?

    “He said he would be foolish, at such a “critical time in our history”, to pick people who “had no experience in Washington whatsoever”.”

    I agree, President-elect Obama. That’s why I voted for McCain.