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Obama: Ask Doctors For Health Care Reform Prescription

Barack Obama was at the University of Maryland today giving a campaign speech about his health care takeover plan. During the speech someone yelled “You Lie.” That person was removed by the police once again showing that America’s institutions of higher learning are only tolerant of all opinions if the people expressing them agree with the liberal philosophies of the school or are yelling at conservatives.

Obama was hawking the plan and his plan was to tell everyone that the people who oppose his plan are liars (ironic, isn’t it?) and that they should listen to the people who know more about it than any others:

See, I just want to point out, I think it’s telling, some of the people who are most enthusiastic about health care reform are the very medical professionals who have firsthand knowledge about how badly the system needs to change. (Applause.) So don’t — stop paying attention to the folks who are spreading false charges, crazy rumors about our plan. Pay attention to the health care experts — the doctors and the nurses who know our system best. (Applause.) WBAL Radio [emphasis mine]

So Barack Obama wants us to know that people who oppose his takeover plan are liars (from the speech; “Too many engage in scare tactics instead of honest debates.”) and using fear to keep the people from getting the health care insurance they deserve. He also wants us to know that we should listen to those who know the system best.

To me, this means that I should not be listening to Obama and the people in his party who are telling me to buy into this plan because it is the best thing since sliced bread. I should not be listening to the media wing of the Democratic party when it shills for Obama and tells me to accept this. I should not listen to those who say to ram it down my throat and make me accept it because I am too stupid to know what is best for me. I need to listen to the doctors and nurses who know the system best.

According to Obama doctors and nurses know this better than he does and they know it better than anyone else (if they know it best they must know it better than anyone else). Fair enough. I am a Registered Nurse and I do not like the plan. My wife is a Registered Nurse and she is not in favor of it. I have yet to meet any nurse or doctor who is in favor of it.

Admittedly, my sphere is small compared to the entire country. So let’s take a look at the bigger picture:

Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.


Major findings included:

• Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration’s claims that doctors are part of an “unprecedented coalition” supporting a medical overhaul.

It also differs with findings of a poll released Monday by National Public Radio that suggests a “majority of physicians want public and private insurance options,” and clashes with media reports such as Tuesday’s front-page story in the Los Angeles Times with the headline “Doctors Go For Obama’s Reform.”

Nowhere in the Times story does it say doctors as a whole back the overhaul. It says only that the AMA — the “association representing the nation’s physicians” and what “many still regard as the country’s premier lobbying force” — is “lobbying and advertising to win public support for President Obama’s sweeping plan.”

The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA’s support of Democrats’ proposed health care overhaul.

• Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they “would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement” if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.

More than 800,000 doctors were practicing in 2006, the government says. Projecting the poll’s finding onto that population, 360,000 doctors would consider quitting. Investor’s Business Daily

So it appears that Obama is lying when he says that he has the backing of the doctors. He has an endorsement from the AMA which, as this story points out, accounts for 18% of physicians and has lost membership since the endorsement. The AMA is a lobbying organization.

Obama said to listen to the doctors and nurses. Well in this case the doctors have spoken out and two-thirds of them do not approve. Additionally, 45% of them would consider leaving practice or retiring early if this thing passes.

Ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama told us that we should listen to the people who know the health system best which means better than he or his followers. Those people, he told us, are the doctors and nurses.

The doctors are pretty clear on this issue. They do not want it and many would quit being a doctor if it passes.

The issue is clearer than ever for those of you who did not know what to do on this. All you have to do is follow the advice of Obama and listen to the doctors.

The doctors do not want this thing so we owe it to Obama (and to the doctors) to make sure they do not get it.

Gateway Pundit
Michelle Malkin

Big Dog

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