Obama And Other Liberals, Are You Listening?

Here is a beautiful song that makes a very clear and valid point.

Only Israel has NO right to defend itself:

No other country is bashed for defending itself the way Israel is. Each time the country responds to attacks it is deemed the bad guy and the response disproportionate. This is because a huge number of people in the world (and nearly all of the UN) hate the Jews.

The attitude of Obama, his regime, and his liberals/progressives is on the side of the Jew haters.

Anti Semites all.

Stand with Israel and against Antisemitism.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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5 Responses to “Obama And Other Liberals, Are You Listening?”

  1. Adam says:

    If only the issues were as black and white as the song tries to present them and as many in America want to frame them.

    • Big Dog says:

      Yeah, those dumb ass Jews don’t know what they are talking about.[/sarc]

      If only the problems were the way liberals pretend then we could just close Israel down and let the people who never had a real country, the Palestinians, have it all. Hell, just because Palestine never existed is no reason not to take the land away from the Jews and give it back.

      Why have the only civil society remain among those who have no tolerance. Anyone can live in Israel and practice whatever religion he wants. That is not true for the nations you and your ilk back int he fight.

      Get rid of Hamas and Hezbollah and the antisemites in the UN.

      But it is not as easy as those who are shot at and condemned portray it because Adam said so. You schmuck Jews should know better than to decide for yourselves when Adam is on the case.

  2. Adam says:

    My ilk? Nations I back in the fight? Sorry. You must have me confused with one of the imaginary liberal constructions you write about on this site and rail against so you can feel superior and always on the right side of history.