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Obama And I Have Something In Common

It took about two years but I finally found something that Barack Obama and I have in common. We both wish he was still anonymous. Obama recently said that he loves his time in the White House (why not, it is a big perk to him and his family) but that he wishes he was still anonymous:

“I just miss – I miss being anonymous,” he said at the meeting in the White House. “I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls, driving to the supermarket, squeezing the fruit, getting my car washed, taking walks. I can’t take a walk.” The Columbus Dispatch

Obama laments that the rigors of his job mean he can’t get up and decide not to shave and then take his daughter to the grocery store where he can squeeze fruits and check out produce. He is upset that he can’t even take a walk (though he walks a lot on golf courses).

I too miss his anonymity. I had not heard of this guy before the 2004 Democratic National Convention where he made a big name for himself because he can give a speech (nothing much has changed there). I wish we had never heard of this Socialist rookie and that he had remained a rabble rousing community organizer working with union thugs to scam taxpayers out of their hard earned money (nothing has changed there except the scale).

So finally Obama and I have something in common.

I do wonder why, if he misses his privacy so much, he decided to run for reelection.

But I think we can help the fellow out. He laments that he can’t take a walk.

How about we make him take a walk in November of 2012?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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