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Obama and Clinton Ignore Facts

While making a point about the loss of jobs during a speech in San Francisco, Barack Obama not only insulted a bunch of small town people but he demonstrated elitism and his belief that people who believe the Constitution and who practice religion are out of touch. Obama was making his speech when he said:

“You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said.

“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” al-Reuters

What Barry is saying here is that losing jobs is a problem and that people get upset by these problems. Nothing wrong so far but then he says that because there are problems people cling to guns or religion and become racists. This is no different than saying that people get upset and turn to alcohol and other drugs. To Obama, people only cling to religion or guns when there is badness in their lives as if it is a bad thing to cling to any of these things, especially religion. The only people I worry about clinging to religion are the Muslims and people who attend churches like the one Obama belongs to. Attending a racist and hate filled church for 20 years is a better definition of clinging.

In any event, there is nothing wrong in clinging to religion in good times and bad. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to own guns. I have to assume he meant owning guns and not clinging to guns for violence because he was talking about small towns. There are very few gun crimes in small towns. Most of the gun violence, if that is what he meant, is in the large, mostly black and Hispanic, cities. The small rural towns are mostly white and people don’t go around shooting each other and they have a strong religious conviction.

And yes, Obama was calling people racists when he described antipathy for those who are not like them. I can certainly see why people have anti immigrant (ILLEGAL immigrant) feelings and I can understand why they are suspicious of outsiders. There is nothing inherently wrong with these feelings. Obama has antipathy for those who do not look like him.

All Barry did was vocally express his actual feelings and how he envisions society. He wants to remove religion, guns and bring in more ILLEGALS.

As for Hillary, she laid into Obama for his elitist views. She discussed how important the Second Amendment is and that it conveys an individual right, something that conservatives have known since the thing was written. The problem is that Hillary vehemently opposes guns and she worked very hard in 1999 to get strict gun control laws passed. Hillary Clinton was getting ready to run for the Senate in New York where they like gun control (at least the most populous city does) so she was right with them. Pennsylvania has more gun owners and conceal carry permits than just about any other state (and none of them are running around shooting each other). It only follows suit that Hillary would have to pander to the beliefs of the people in PA even if her words were at odds with her feelings and past actions.

There is not a measurable bit of difference between these two. They are both big government Socialists who believe that the common person is unable to run his own life. They believe that people can only accomplish things when the government is involved.

I met a woman recently who is 60 years old. She told me that she used to pick through the dump for clothes for her family. Now she is a millionaire because of hard work and perseverance and none of it involved welfare or government intervention. People are most successful when they are unencumbered by government.

Hillary and Barry do not understand this. To them, we are a bunch of rubes who can’t breathe without their interventions.

In either case, Obama is pandering to those in San Fran at the expense of those in PA and Hillary was for gun control before she was against it. With either one we get Socialism and government intervention that will stifle growth. The last thing we need is for them to run our lives. I am pretty sure I can do a much better job of it.

I have so far…