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Now You Know How We Feel Congressman

A New York Congressman is complaining about the secret negotiations going on between the House and the Senate over the health care bill. The faux reconciliation process has both chambers on edge as members of the House are upset with members of the Senate and vice versa. The House does not want to strip items such as the public option that it passed and the Senate cannot get votes with the public option. House members are tired of hearing the Senate leaders whine about how tough it was to get 60 votes:

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) issued a blunt, angry statement on Wednesday, accusing the Senate of conducting negotiations with the House while holding “a gun to our head.” The Hill

Well welcome to our world Congressman. The American public feels like it has a gun to its head. The majority of us do not want this particular piece of legislation to pass but you insist on doing it so that you can hold a gun to our heads.

Don’t get insurance, pay a fine. Have a good employer provided plan, pay 40% in taxes on it (unless you are a union member). Need a medical procedure, wait for a government bean counter to decide if you are worthy.

These items represent only a fraction of the things that will allow YOU to hold a gun to our heads.

You are complaining that you do not like a gun held to your head.

Now you know how we feel.


Big Dog


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