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Now The Left Has Something To Hate

Well it appears that Harriet Miers, Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court, is a born again Christian. This is from Drudge:

By 1979, Harriet Miers, then in her mid-30s, had accomplished what some people take a lifetime to achieve. She was a partner at Locke Purnell Boren Laney & Neely, one of the most prestigious law firms in the South.

But she still felt something was missing in her life.

The NEW YORK TIMES is set to splash the “something” on Page Ones on Wednesday, newsroom sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

It was after a series of long discussions with Nathan Hecht, a junior colleague and sweetheart, that led her to a decision that many of the people around her say changed Miers life.

“She decided that she wanted faith to be a bigger part of her life,” Hecht said. “One evening she called me to her office and said she was ready to make a commitment,” to accept Jesus Christ as her savior and be born again, Hecht said. Miers became an evangelical Christian and began identifying more with the Republican Party than with the Democrats who had long held sway over Texas politics.

If there is something the Democrats can not stand it is people who want faith to be a bigger part of their lives. I can hear them now chewing their nails as they worry about their precious Roe v Wade being overturned by a religious zealot picked by that Christian Crusader himself, George W Bush.

I think they should be careful when they question her. They should be extra careful not to label her or try to portray her religious beliefs as a negative. How can they? After all, Hillary Clinton has been an evangelical Christian all her life. At least that is what she is saying now that she has feigned toward the center.