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Now Pelosi Says She Was Misled

Nancy Pelosi has been under fire for a few weeks now because of her claims that she was never told that Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT) were used. She has maintained that she was informed that there was legal opinion that they were allowed but that they had yet to be used. This claim runs contrary to the information provided by the CIA, information which shows that Pelosi was informed that the EITs (particularly water boarding) had already been used. This version is also consistent with the information provided by others who were at the briefings.

Pelosi has changed he story a few times and now she is reverting to the political game of claiming to be misled. She is also blaming the Bush administration for her problems (nothing new here). Pelosi has taken it a step further and made the claim that the CIA misled her and lied to Congress. Pelosi admitted that she knew about the EITs being used (thereby admitting that she lied) but that the CIA misled Congress when discussing them.

I do not, for one moment, believe that Pelosi was misled about anything but let’s accept that as true for a moment. Pelosi claimed to have been misled on WMD and the reasons for war and now she claims to have been misled on EITs. Do we really want a moron who is so easily misled serving in Congress? Basically, Pelosi is telling everyone she is not competent and that she is unable to discern information from what she receives. The others at the briefings have indicated they were well aware of what was said and what was being done. At the time Pelosi indicated that she understood but now is claiming she was misled. If she is this inept then she should not be in Congress.

The moment has passed and so has the supposition that she is telling the truth about being misled so we are back to reality. Pelosi was all in favor of doing what it took to get information and she did not voice any objections to the EITs when she was briefed on them. Now that her buddy in the White House has released the Bush memos she has been caught in the firestorm.

The intention was to embarrass Bush and to show Democratic supporters how wonderful Obama is and how he is going after those who used the EITs. The CIA was not too happy and it decided to defend the agency and its people by releasing the briefings that were conducted and this is where Pelosi was caught in her lie. While those briefings were classified she could maintain that she knew nothing but once they were released she had to tap dance around the issue and start deflecting. This is why she has changed her story several times and why she is now accusing the CIA of lying and claiming to have been misled by the CIA and the Bush administration. She is also calling this a Republican distraction.

The reality is, Pelosi was all for going after OTHERS who were involved when she believed that she was in the clear but now that she has been exposed as a liar she wants to again lie about her involvement and lay the blame at the CIA’s feet.

If she were as pure as the driven snow, as she wants people to believe, then she would not look like a deer caught in a car’s headlights during her press conferences. The last one shows a nervous Pelosi who is obfuscating the issue and dancing around the questions. She is also doing what all the Democrats like to do when caught and that is blame Bush.

Nancy Pelosi is a liar and she has been caught. Her base cannot be happy that she lied to them for years about her opposition to EITs when the records clearly show she knew all about them and she was on board. She knows that this could be an opening for another person to challenge her for her seat in the 2010 elections and it could certainly result in her losing her position as the Speaker the next time Democrats select one.

Pelosi is part of the cancer that is consuming this country and she has been exposed. It is time for the people of her district to cut the cancer out and start with something fresh.

If they put her back in office it will mean that they are OK with her lies and with her support of the EITs. If that happens they lose any future argument on the issue.

I would not be surprised if the CIA helps someone beat Pelosi. She insulted the agency’s professionalism and she called the people there liars. That is no way to treat an intelligence gathering agency and I am sure they did not take too kindly to her accusations.

Perhaps they can come up with a few surprises to take her down.

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