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North Korea 2; Democrats 0

The North Koreans play the Democrats like a cheap fiddle. First Bill Clinton negotiated with Lil Kim and ended up giving him all the things he needed to make nukes. With a wink and a nod Clinton gave Kim all the stuff he needed on a promise from Kim that he would not use them to make nuclear weapons. The ink was not dry on the paper when Kim began developing a nuke. The left likes to blame the nuclear weapon development on Bush because it was tested when Bush was in office but it began when Clinton was there and the NorKs used the tools that Clinton let them have.

There have been talks with North Korea for a number of years now. These six party talks are on again and off again depending upon what mood Kim is in and which of the voices in his schizophrenic head is doing the talking. We have tried these six party talks and we have tried sanctions when Kim detonates a nuke but nothing seems to work because it is difficult to get international support. The Chinese have a great deal of influence but they seem uninterested in intervening.

George Bush did not help things when he decided we could remove North Korea from the state sponsor of terrorism list. North Korea is dangerous and poor. That country will do anything for money and that includes selling nuclear components to terrorists. The idea that sitting down with them and discussing the issue will help is ridiculous because each time we engage in diplomacy it is after we have done something to appease them and it gives them more time to work on their weapons. We always end up in a stalemate with North Korea because once it gets what it wants it goes back to developing nuclear weapons.

The Obama administration has done an about face and said that it will now engage directly with North Korea.

The US shifted its policy today, saying it is now willing to meet one on one with North Korea if that is helpful to bring Pyongyang back to the nuclear negotiations. ABC News

Evidently, the six party nations have given the go ahead because they are not doing well in their attempts to negotiate. If these six nations cannot effectively negotiate with Kim what makes anyone believe the US can do any better?

Obama said he was willing to meet our enemies face to face and without preconditions. His lack of experience in foreign affairs was evident when he made that statement on the campaign trail but it made no difference. So now the US will meet with North Korea in order to get it to stop making nuclear weapons.

Good luck with that. North Korea will demand something and the US will give it and then the negotiations will fall off, or stall, or be dragged on to provide time while the NorKs refine their weapons.

I would hope that we could negotiate with North Korea but the leader has demonstrated that he is mentally unstable and that he is not interested in capitulating to the demands of others.

How will it look if we give them more of what they want and they still test a nuke or send one in the direction of Japan?

Will the left discuss the failed polices of Obama like it did Bush? We will have to wait until the next nuclear detonation (and there will be one) but I doubt it will be viewed through the same lens that was used when liberals watched George Bush.

Time will tell but I think the US already appears weak. We blinked and gave in and now Kim has the upper hand. I know Obama is Mr. Charm and all that but he is being played like a fool.

This might come back to bite him in his tail and that is just fine.

The problem is, it might bite the rest of us as well.

I would like to see successful negotiations and if it works out then good for Obama and his team. I think history has shown us that this will not have a good outcome and we will regret the decision.

Of course, Clinton was there not too long ago. He might have greased a few skids (no, skids are not North Korean women) so that the path for Obama would be easier. Maybe Kim already got his payoff and will make Obama look good.

Until he makes him look bad…

Big Dog

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