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No Wonder They Are Running From Health Care Takeover

When Democrats were ramming the health care takeover down our throats they kept telling us how wonderful it was going to be and that we would love it. Despite the fact that the majority of the public opposed the plan the Democrats were hell bent on ramming it through. Many of them claimed to be proud of health care and voted for it. At the time they made a big show of support and the bill signing was a spectacle.

Now that the election is near and Democrats are expected to take a beating, many of them are running from health care. It is hard to find one who claims to have supported it and none seem to be running ads telling us how great it is and how proud they were of their vote.

No wonder they are running away from health care.

Don’t fall for it. Make them pay for their arrogance.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.

Big Dog


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