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No Woman Should Be President

Men have always been president and that should not change. There is no reason that a woman should be president regardless of what the Constitution says about the subject. The fact that a person is a woman automatically, despite any other qualifications, disqualifies her from becoming the president.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

That sounds absolutely ridiculous because the sex of a person has no bearing whatsoever on ability to do the job. So why is a person’s religion such a problem? Except for the so called peaceful religion of Islam, the religion of a candidate should not matter. The fact that Islam requires people to convert or be killed eliminates that religion from consideration. No other religion requires conversion so why is it that people consider this when evaluating a candidate.

I have not made up my mind as to whom I would like to support in the next election. I have ruled out several candidates but it is way too early for me to get behind one person or another but I will say this, unless the person is a Muslim (a follower of the religion of peace), I do not care what religion that person practices. Mitt Romney is catching hell because he is a Mormon. Who really cares if he is a Mormon, Jew, Catholic, Protestant or any other religion (except, as stated, the followers of the child molester).

Perhaps folks can stop focusing on things like sex or religion and actually concentrate on things that matter.

Orlando Sentinel

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Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.