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No Fly Zone

Barack Obama was being interviewed when a fly kept buzzing around him. He tried to shoo it away several times but it kept returning. When it landed on his hand or sleeve he swatted and killed it. I was having breakfast on a business trip with several co-workers when we saw the video and I remarked that some group would protest the killing of the fly.

People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has expressed its displeasure at the killing of the fly. The organization is sending Obama some kind of insect trap that allows them to be caught and released. I wonder how long it would have taken to get the fly to go into it?

This is a fly, a pest, an insect, a nuisance, a vector, a disease carrying creature and it was killed. It is not like Obama’s dog ran in and he beat it to death. He killed a fly.

I am willing to bet the White House has all kinds of things that kill insects and other unwanted visitors (not Republicans, other unwanted visitors). They use pesticide and they might have bug zappers around. I don’t think Obama or anyone else has time to capture these things and release them into the wild…

Then again, maybe Obama can appoint an insect czar.

The guy killed a bug. There is no crime against humanity or nature in doing that. PETA should worry about its own history of animal abuses and leave Obama alone. He killed a fly.

Even for people who believe that animals have rights, this has to beyond belief. I don’t think we should be cruel to animals and mistreat them but this was a FLY.

Besides, Obama might have caught and released it only to have a bat or frog eat it. Then he would be in trouble with some other group.

I just hope Obama is ready to treat the North Korean missile like the fly…

Big Dog

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