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No Election Fraud, Keep Moving

When George Bush won the presidency in 2000 the Democrats claimed that fraud was committed around the country and particularly in Florida where horror stories of voter polls being purged denied people their vote. Whenever a big bureaucracy is involved in anything there are certain to be mistakes but for the most part, people were purged because they were not supposed to be on the list of eligible voters. The purge removed convicted felons, those in jail and people who were registered at the same address as hundreds of other people or at addresses where no residence existed. In short, people were removed because they did not belong on the list.

It had nothing to do with race (though that is always the motive when liberals get their panties in a wad) and had everything to do with the law. We have laws governing who can vote and they should be followed. Liberals do not like them followed because they lose seats when the felons cannot vote.

In 2008 there was certainly voter fraud. The Democrats mobilized the fraud groups such as ACORN and those groups ensured that the votes were there even when they were not. In some places in this country more people voted than actually lived in the voting jurisdiction. Democrats, to this day, tell us that no fraud took place and certainly not enough to make a difference in any race.

Enter Al Franken. Franken might have benefited from Minnesota’s inability to purge its voter rolls and then its inability or refusal to disqualify votes that were illegal during the long recount process. Al Franken won by 312 votes (recounts almost always result in just enough ballots being “found” to ensure victory for a Democrat) but an 18 month analysis of the vote shows that 341 felons, who were not authorized to vote, actually voted in the contest. This means there were more illegal votes than the margin of victory. Did enough of those votes go to Franken to ensure victory? That is unknown but if the voting rolls had been purged and then the votes scrutinized during he recount we would not have any reason to be suspicious.

The six-month election recount that turned former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Al Franken into a U.S. senator may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. FOX News

When Bush won the presidency the next eight years (and to this day) had Democrats screaming about an illegitimate president. There have been no such claims by the left with regard to Franken because they refuse to concede that any fraud took place and if they hint at it they minimize it. There is only fraud if their candidate loses.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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