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Natural Disaster Deaths Increase, Blame Global Warming

Natural disasters killed more than 220,000 people in 2008 making Mother Nature more deadly than the war on terror. The number of natural disasters was lower in 2007 and the “experts” are blaming the disasters on, what else, global warming.

Natural disasters killed over 220,000 people in 2008, making it one of the most devastating years on record and underlining the need for a global climate deal, the world’s number two reinsurer said Monday.


“This continues the long-term trend we have been observing. Climate change has already started and is very probably contributing to increasingly frequent weather extremes and ensuing natural catastrophes,” Munich Re board member Torsten Jeworrek said. Breitbart

There have been natural disasters for centuries but now they are the result of global warming which is the culprit in every calamity that takes place.

The news is not all grim though as some believe that 2008 will be the year that man-made global warming was disproved. The world has been cooling and many scientists are bucking the trend and denying global warming. Polar ice caps have not melted in any huge fashion and the oceans have not risen. One of the ice caps is getting bigger.

As an aside, even if the ice caps melted they would not raise the level of the water because they displace water equal to their volume.

Many scientists point out that sunspot activity influences the temperatures and the sun has not had sunspot activity for weeks. Thus, temperatures are colder.

This has not stopped the global warming zealots who claim that the colder temperatures are a sign of global warming which would mean that when it is warmer the temperatures are leading to global cooling. No sane person would think that and certainly the global warming adherents do not. They blame everything, hot or cold, on global warming.

Al Gore has gotten very rich by perpetrating fraud on the American public and the world.

Fortunately, people are seeing through this myth and are beginning to buck the trend. That is good news because we cannot afford the measures the warming crowd wants to impose especially since they will not help.

But, until they completely shelve the global warming myth it might prove a good excuse for anything that ails you. Sorry your honor, I was driving drunk because of global warming…

Big Dog

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