Nancy Pelosi’s Oil Hoax

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the worst Speaker in the history of Congress, opposes America using her own resources. Pelosi is opposed to any kind of oil exploration that involves American property. Oh sure, they talk about already leased property that is not being drilled by oil companies but they fail to tell you it is because there is very little oil there. We know where trillions of barrels of oil are located and we have the technology to extract those barrels but Congress, full of idiots like Pelosi, refuses to allow us to drill. Nancy Pelosi has called the plan to drill a hoax.

“Once again, the oilman in the White House is echoing the demands of Big Oil.

“The Bush plan is a hoax. It will neither reduce gas prices nor increase energy independence. It just gives millions more acres to the same companies that are sitting on nearly 68 million acres of public lands and coastal areas.

“If the President wants to bring down prices in the next two weeks, not the next two decades, he should free our oil by releasing a small portion of the more than 700 million barrels of oil we have put in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

“It’s time to tell the oil industry: ‘You already have millions of acres to drill. Use it or lose it.'” Pelosi Website

This air head is so out of touch, even for a liberal, that it is mind boggling. I have already addressed the millions of acres. If any appreciable amount of oil was there the companies would have drilled for it. As for the oil man calling the shots of big oil, Pelosi is following the playbook of the environmental whack jobs who funnel money to her and her Democratic colleagues. One of these two is trying to solve the problem. Pelosi says that the plan is a hoax and that it would not lower prices. The fact is, if we were to remove the restrictions then the market would see a decrease in oil prices because of the very speculators Congress says drove the prices up. Oil companies can be pumping oil in 2 to 5 years and we will be well on our way to lower fuel prices. So what if the prize is a few years away. I don’t imagine farmers say “well, it is spring and we have no crops to sell so let’s NOT plant any for later.” The only way to reap future benefits is to start NOW.

The Democrats continually say that drilling will not solve the problem (it will) but they never offer any other solution. Pelosi is the one who promised us she and her fellow Dems had a plan to get this all under control. Where is that plan? The only thing I see from them is obstruction. If Bill Clinton had not vetoed drilling in ANWR we would be getting that oil now and the price would not be a problem.

But let’s get this straight. Pelosi and her ilk do not want us to drill and they claim that it will not make a difference. But, according to these geniuses, releasing some of the strategic oil reserves will. I think the oil reserves might provide relief but even if we released it the relief would only last about 2 months. Then where will we be? Right back on the world oil market paying high prices but doing so with an empty tank where our reserves used to be. Only in Congress will trillions of barrels have no affect but 2 months of reserves will. This, by the way, is how they manage our money.

This is the problem with politicians and Democrats in particular. They cannot think into the future. They are reactive rather than proactive. They only care about what they can do to get through the next election. Pelosi would love to have the reserves released in the next few weeks so that prices would go down going into the November elections so that the voting public will forget that the ENTIRE oil crisis has been caused by those in power. She does not give a rodent’s derriere what happens to the price after November because the election will be over.

Keep in mind folks, the taxpayers pay for their leased vehicles, the insurance, the registration, and for ALL the gas they put in them so they are not feeling the pain at the pump. Pelosi couldn’t care less what you have to pay for gas. She only wants prices to go down so Barry Obambi can get elected. Then she and her ilk will have 4 years to screw up even more (assuming they win the mid-terms).

Nancy Pelosi’s “plan” to release the oil from the strategic reserve is the real hoax in this story. Her “we have a plan” claim was a hoax and the idea that a move, which might affect the market for a few months, will solve this issue is a hoax. Nancy Pelosi is not a forward thinker and she is not a leader. She certainly does not care about people or this country. If she did she would stop blocking us from using our own resources to get out of this mess.

Remember this on election day folks. President Bush lifted the Executive Order banning drilling and now the process is being held up by Democrats in Congress. Democrats who do not care about you.

It adds insult to injury to know that after you put $100 in your gas tank your taxes put $100 in theirs.

They have a 9% approval rating. What say we bounce them all out and start with some fresh people with fresh ideas.

Big Dog

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22 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi’s Oil Hoax”

  1. I don’t particularly like paying $4.00 a gallon either, but oil will eventually run out for real and without the burden of high cost, no one will invest in any other source of energy.

  2. Big Dog says:

    Certainly we need to look for alternative fuels but we cannot stop using the oil we have until we find something as good or better.

    Oil has been used a lot over the last century and it is still here and we keep finding more. I think it will be around for quite some time.

    Regardless, it makes NO sense not to use it.

  3. Bosun says:

    Price of Oil per Barrel dropped $9 after Boosh announced he was going to end restrictions. If the Un – Democrat Congress would get behind the President and stand up for FREE America (Rather than the Marxist Socialist Republic that they want to see), it would drop a hell of a lot more and the retards in Iran and Venezuela would see they are not holding the stacked deck cards.

    Vote every ****ing leftist out of the Senate and Congress and deport them to Cuba. Take back America as the land of the FREE and home of the Brave, rather than the land of confusion and incompetence it is becoming.

    Big Dog, I love America and served honorably for a lot of years, as you know. I am becoming ashamed of the limp wrist imbeciles that I see voted into office. We are fast becoming a third world country with falling infrastructure and corruption. **** the leftists and liberals who are destroying us from within.

    May G_d protect the United States, State of Israel, and the free world from all enemies foreign and domestic (fascism and Islamofascism), if you know what I mean……


    Bosuns last blog post..The New Yorker Cartoon, another con job

  4. […] Big Dog just can’t stop lying. It’s habitual with him — possibly pathological: […]

  5. Louise says:

    I used to work for 2 different major oil companies and even helped negotiate some major oil deals in the Caspian region. This was during $12 barrel oil time when nobody cared that the oil companies were suffering but we (the oil companies) still had to sign up for development projects to ensure there would be new oil in the next 10-15 years (that time period Obama sees as too far out). Nobody seems to realize how much these developments cost- I worked on one that was costing upwards of 12 billion dollars and that wasn’t the largest. It just kills me to see how politicians deliberately paint villains when their own actions are the real cause of the problem.

    Louises last blog post..Delicious Deviled Egg Recipes from Paula Dean

  6. Buffoon says:

    Big Dog I didn’t know you were a liar???
    Here I was believing you all this time… 🙂

  7. Bosun says:

    Big Dog has been thrown up of better places. 🙂

    Bosuns last blog post..The New Yorker Cartoon, another con job

  8. Big Dog says:

    As usual, numb nuts Meathead fails reading comprehension. He used one of my lines from above:

    Oil companies can be pumping oil in 2 to 5 years and we will be well on our way to lower fuel prices.

    ANd then called me a liar and links to something that says they will not be able to get oil from ANWR until 2018.

    Notice that I never made the claim they could be getting oil from ANWR in 2-5 years, just that they can be pumping oil in that amount of time from some of the MANY oil fields that are not in Alaska.

    Meathead is an idiot who likes to infer things instead of actually using the meaning conveyed.

    He will undoubtedly call me a liar and say that I said it or some other thing. He had sex with his mother when he was a teen and he is mentally disturbed.

  9. Big Dog says:

    No Buffoon, I am not a liar. A lie is a deliberate attempt to misstate the truth. A lie is a deliberate act. I am sure that I have made mistakes and that I have been incorrect with some of the things I have written. However, often I am accused of being a liar because of my opinion. Your opinion cannot, by definition, be a lie.

    The problem with Meathead is that he is a pathetic, lonely, vile, little troll who has no friends and is hated by his entire family. He is pathological and has no social skills. He acts brave because he is in his mother’s basement where he can be tough behind a keyboard.

    He does not have the guts to do the things real men do. He has probably never been in the military. He might have you believe it is because he had other things to do or was too important to be brought down to that level but he is just a coward. He likes to call people names but he knows he would never get away with that to their faces.

    I actually pity him. I have seen his picture. He is a short little munchkin looking guy with green, uneven teeth and he is quite unattractive. He looks like someone kept the afterbirth and threw the baby away.

    No, I am not a liar. That would require me to deliberately deceive and I do not do that.

  10. Angel says:

    good grief Dog..Peloopsi shoulda stayed in Saudi Arabia with the shmata on her head!..pfftt!:)

    Angels last blog post..AndrogynY in FashioN

  11. ThinkingMeat says:

    Big Dog just keeps on lying…

    Poor Dogmeat contorts himself into a pretzel trying to get out of this one… In the original post, Dogmeat made it clear that the drilling he was talking about was drilling in ANWR….

  12. Big Dog says:

    This was stated at the beginning of the piece:
    Pelosi is opposed to any kind of oil exploration that involves American property.

    I mentioned 2-5 years after this and before mentioning ANWR. The post was clear that it meant drilling ALL of our property. Meathead claims that the ban the President lifted (that I referenced) was for ANWR. He makes that point at his site as if that is what I meant. But, he is lying again:

    The United States president, George W Bush, has lifted an executive ban on offshore drilling for oil that has stood since before his father was president.

    For the past 27 years consecutive US government’s have banned energy companies from drilling in waters along the East and West coasts of America and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, to protect beaches and coastal states tourism economies.

    “I’ve taken every step within my power to allow offshore exploration of the OCS,” he said.

    I told you the idiot Meathead would lie about it. You see, he deliberately distorts things which is a lie because he INTENDS to deceive. How will you lie now Meaty?

    He is an idiot and a coward. Poor Meathead is so lonely he has to lie in order to get attention. He is a terrible writer and his published science fiction is silly, at best.

    Now Meathead, go put your Mr. Spock ears back on and get back to the convention….

    He baits like this to get people to visit his site. Click through if you must but i would not waste my time if I were you. His infatuation is with me.

  13. Scott says:

    I actually listened to the Democrats response to Bush’s lifting of the executive ban the last few days on NPR. I wanted to vomit and then drive down to D.C. drag them out of their offices and string each and every one of them up in a nice display on the Mall and leave them for the crows to pick at.

    They were doing little more than sucking one another’s d**ks (pardon the crude analogy but I can’t describe it any other way) while the media present didn’t bother to ask them any difficult questions challenging their position and ideas.

    I’d agree that releasing oil from the Strategic Reserve would have an impact of reducing the price a little, but without increasing the long term supply the impact it will have will only last until we bleed it dry. Then we’ll be in a worse quandary than we are in now. Oil prices would soar as our (meaning American’s daily usage) demand remains constant or increases and our National demand increases as we buy oil to refill our Strategic Reserve. Who knows what the demand from the rest of the world will look like?

    Next their plan of replacing the “light sweet” crude we use with cheaper “heavy sour” crude also has issues that are also directly related to liberal and environmentalists, refining. Heavy crude takes more refining and produces less gasoline than light crude oil. So in effect they will cut the amount of fuel our strategic reserve can provide in a future emergency. “Sweet” crude oil contains less sulfur and has fewer environmental problems than the cheaper “sour” crude which requires more refining to meet today’s sulfur reduction standards.

    All they did was repeat themselves over and over and politicize the whole ordeal. They repeated Gramm’s (emphasis on his association with McCain) “whiner” statement numerous times, then repeated how releasing 500k to 1 million barrels form the reserve would help Americans and solve this whole problem at the pump.

    There was no though for the future, no mention of increasing future supplies by opening drilling in other areas. They did mention the current land set aside for exploration and drilling, however neglected to mention that an independent study showed that those areas have little value for oil and natural gas extraction.

    We need Congressional term limits badly, and Congress needs to be changed, in fact we need a way to fire our elected officials before their term expires even if it requires a 80% majority vote.

  14. ThinkingMeat says:

    Big Dog just keeps on lying…

    I stand corrected. However, Big Dog’s claim that he was not referring to ANWR remains a crock. Note that he does not bother to cite any factual backing for his “2 to 5 years” claim.

  15. Scott says:

    I find it funny that the liberal excuse for not drilling in ANWR is that it will take 10 years for the oil to come to market. This was the excuse used during the Clinton Administration, over 10 years ago. You got to start sometime why not now?

    Next that same report you link also lists that the OCS has more oil than the ANWR which the Dems are also seeking to block any exploration and drilling from taking place. Ironic isn’t it?

    Every time you try to refute you only dig a deeper hole.

  16. Big Dog says:

    Notice that we have gone from I am a liar to I failed to back up my claim. This is how Meathead works. He is wrong on one thing so he accuses of another. Additionally, he admits that he was wrong on what ban the President lifted so, by his definition, does it make him a liar? Notice that even though he is wrong he says my assertion that I was not talking about ANWR is a crock. So he was wrong but I am a crock.

    I would normally think of this as a mistake. He made a mistake which people do. But this is Meathead so he is a liar. He lied about what the President lifted. He, according to his definition, is a habitual liar.

    BTW, OPEC says:
    There is no standard answer to this question, but as a rule of thumb it can take 3-10 years from the decision to explore, through to discovery, testing, development and the delivery of oil from a new field.

    I have read that we know where some reserves are already (the exploration was done in the past). If the water is not very deep it will be sooner, if it is deeper it will be longer.

    We can have oil by 5 years which certainly fits in 2 to 5. A lot will depend on the states and how far out they say we must drill.

  17. Bosun says:

    BD, Here is a column link for Ann Coulter:

    Alternative energy? How ’bout a car that runs on Democrats’ lies

    In her usual demure style, Ann Coulter comes out blazing today against Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in response to their energy plan.

    Writes Coulter: “Announcing the Democrats’ bold new ‘plan’ on energy last week, Pelosi said breaking into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve ‘is one alternative.’ That’s not an energy plan. It’s using what we already have – much like ‘conservation,’ which is also part of the Democrats’ plan.

    “Conservation, efficiency and using oil we hold in reserve for emergencies does not get us more energy. It’s as if we were running out of food and the Democrats were telling us: ‘Just eat a little less every day.’ Great! We’ll die a little more slowly. That’s not what we call a ‘plan.’ We need more energy, not a plan for a slower death.”

    Says Coulter of the Democrats: “They don’t want drilling. They don’t want more oil. They want humans to ride bicycles and then to die.”

    Read Coulter’s entire column now at

    Bosuns last blog post..Coulter: Alternative energy? How ’bout a car that runs on Democrats’ lies

  18. Bosun says:

    Quite frankly, I am tired of paying over $4 a gallon for gas. I am tired of having liberals in Congress block every move to make us energy sufficient!

    President Bush has lifted an executive order banning the drilling for oil off our coasts. Better late than never. It should have been done 10 years ago (during Clinton’s watch, but it wasn’t).

    It is realy something that liberal politicians have provided road blocks

    Drilling in proven oil reserves will not immediately provide more oil. Officials say it will take about 10 years to get the new oil to the market. But here is a fact: Ten years from now we will still have an oil shortage if we again fail to begin solving the problem!

    Congress still has a ban on offshore drilling and must lift that ASAP.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) want to keep us at the mercy of foreign oil for another 10 years. They are more concerned with playing politics than your paying $4 a gallon for gasoline!

    Source: AFA Action Alert

    Bosuns last blog post..Coulter: Alternative energy? How ’bout a car that runs on Democrats’ lies

  19. Ogre says:

    You have to realize the purpose of Democrats. They exist to obtain power, plain and simple. They have NO other purpose. The concept of a lie doesn’t even exist to these people. Anything they say is, by default, true, because they said it.

    As for the oil, the Democrats honestly do not want good things. They don’t want ANYTHING good for this country. If they can make people miserable, they can make more people depending on them — giving them more power. They want gas prices to rise in the short term so they can win elections. They want them to rise in the long term so people won’t have the freedom to move about in their cars — again, giving more power to Democrats.

    With this group, it’s more than “follow the money,” it’s “follow the power.”

  20. Bosun says:

    If we followed the stench of human excrement, it would lead us to the leftists in the House and Senate. 🙂

    Bosuns last blog post..School for Islamist Scoundrels

  21. Big Dog says:

    It is even better than I thought:
    “California could actually start producing new oil within a year if the moratorium were lifted,” the Sanford C. Bernstein report said, because the oil is under shallow water, has been explored and drilling platforms have been there since before the moratoria.

    American Thinker

    There you go Meathead, now crawl back into your hole.

  22. likwidshoe says:

    Nancy Pelosi can charitably be described as a snivelling clown. Witness:

    The fact is that the Bush Administration is sitting on 700 million barrels of oil, purchased with our tax dollars, in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. That oil was purchased for an emergency, and with gas at $4 a gallon, it is an emergency for America’s families, for America’s business, and for our country.

    The first President Bush released oil from the SPR. President Clinton released oil from the SPR. This President Bush released oil from the SPR. We want him to do it again. In 1991, the release of oil from the reserve caused an immediate reduction of oil prices of $8 per barrel.

    Americans convinced the Bush Administration to not keep filling the SPR a number of weeks ago. We are calling upon them now to free our oil, call the White House, e-mail the White House so that we can increase the supply to reduce the price at the pump. The President’s number is (202) 456-1414, and his e-mail is

    Who is she kidding?

    Nancy Pelosi blocks onshore drilling.
    Nancy Pelosi blocks offshore drilling.
    Nancy Pelosi blocks new “leases” for drilling on land that she doesn’t own.
    Nancy Pelosi blocks scheduling for permitting new oil refineries.
    Nancy Pelosi blocks construction of new refineries.

    Instead, she wants to tap the SPR, something that is supposed to be for national emergencies, not 4 dollar a gallon gas.

    Nancy Pelosi, and most of the rest of the dim-bulbed Democrats for that matter, are telling us that billions, if not trillions, of barrels of untapped oil will have no affect on the market, but 700 million barrels will.

    The woman is either incredibly obtuse or incredibly calculating. One thing is certain, and that is the latch-key Democrats who run around calling everybody else “stupid” truly own that label.

    On the plus side, Nancy Pelosi commits to “achieving energy independence within 10 years”, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean considering that she blocks all efforts at energy independence.

    likwidshoes last blog post..The Pentagon Didn’t Say Obama Couldn’t Visit The Troops In Germany