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Nancy Pelosi Is A One Percenter

Nancy Pelosi said she supported the Occupy Wall Street folks and their goals of equality (which really means they want the stuff other people have). She really supports their greed. No surprise here, Pelosi is a greedy person. Her wealth is somewhere around 200 MILLION dollars and she got a lot of that by doing things in Congress that were favorable to her husband’s business and by insider trading. Pelosi used information she received in her official capacity to gain wealth.

While the country focused on Barack Obama, the every day guy who takes his dog to Pet Smart (after flying the creature back from Hawaii for the photo op), and his trip to Hawaii for a vacation (a 4 MILLION dollar vacation) Nancy Pelosi slipped into Hawaii and is staying at a hotel that costs 10 THOUSAND dollars a night.

You read that right, Pelosi is staying at a place that costs as much for two nights as the amount of money people living in poverty make in a year. A week at that place is the yearly salary of many middle class workers.

She is part of the 1% crowd that the Occupy slugs rail against.

I read where someone stated that what she does with her money is her business they just wished she would not act like she actually feels the pain of those who have little. I agree, it is her money and she can spend it how she wants. I too wish she would stop pretending to care for the little guy.

There is no doubt that Pelosi and her husband were wealthy on their own merits (non union businesses they have) but I still have a problem with the way she became super rich. She did it illegally and she should be behind bars.

Pelosi is staying at a place very few can afford so the next time she starts talking about the little guy ask her how her vacation in the 10 grand a night hotel was…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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