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My Protest to the Mexican Presidente

Mexican President Felipe Calderon is a little bit upset with the United States because we are cracking down on ILLEGALS in this country. The Mexican President is protesting the United States enforcing its laws, laws neither Mexico nor its presidente have any say in. I am not surprised that the Mexican President would protest our enforcement of laws. First of all, the enforcement hurts ILLEGALS from his country, it hurts the economy of his country which benefits from money sent home, and third, Mexico does not enforce its own laws so it is not unusual that they would protest us following ours. Of course, Calderon is upset with the US for not passing an immigration reform bill that would have made millions of felons from his country US citizens by granting them amnesty. Before some whacked out troll tells me that not all ILLEGALS are felons let me make it clear. Crossing the border is a felony so being here ILLEGALLY means they committed a felony, regardless of the BS civil laws involved in them being caught here (as opposed to caught crossing the border).

Here is what Calderon said:

“I want to express again an energetic protest at the unilateral measures taken by the U.S. Congress and government which exacerbate the persecution and abusive treatment of undocumented Mexican workers,” Calderon said in his state of the union speech.


“The Mexican government will continue to insist firmly … on the need for an integral immigration reform and the categorical rejection of the building of a wall on our common border,” Calderon said to raucous applause. al_Reuters

All I can say to Felipe Calderon is screw you and all your little law breakers. We do not care how much you protest our enforcement of our laws because we do not want your people who have entered ILLEGALLY to stay here. We do not care how firmly you protest our immigration laws or how firmly you protest a wall on the border. You have shown that Mexicans can not be trusted to honor the laws of this country and that a wall is necessary. You and your slimy law breakers have demonstrated why it is true when people say that good fences make good neighbors.

You, Felipe, are like a shoplifter who cries about cameras being installed in a store. You are an enabler of criminal behavior and you have this illusion that you have some say in the legal process of our country. You sir, are a little man who has no ability to lead his country or its people and you are even more ineffective at enforcing the law. You and people like you are the reason that Mexico is a third world crap hole that allows a major part of the population to live in absolute poverty while you and your cohorts live in luxury. No wonder you people are the darlings of the Democrats.

As a citizen, I have the right to speak about this and to make demands of the government, something you do not have. I will continue to demand that the federal government crack down on ILLEGALS but I insist they spend time in jail before being sent home. I will continue to insist on a wall to keep you cretins on your side of the border and I will insist that we have immigration laws for Mexicans that Mexico has for those who come to Mexico.

Perhaps you should clean up your crap hole before you try to tell us how we should run our country. To make it clear, I protest you and all the ILLEGAL slugs from your country who cross our borders. I think we should execute you and your government for the lives that were lost here because ILLEGALS killed our folks. I don’t care what that sissy Geraldo Rivera has to say about it, it does matter.

ILLEGALS go home!

Big Dog

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