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Move On Hides Smear Of Petraeus

General David Petraeus was a punching bag for the people at MoveOn, a George Soros organization that is dedicated to supporting Barack Obama and his Socialist agenda. MoveOn is the cheer leading section for Obama and it uses Soros’ vast resources to hide the truth and to rewrite history with regard to Obama so it should come as no surprise that this organization has removed its assault on Petraeus from its website.

In a classic example of liberal hypocrisy, the far-left leaning, George Soros-funded group MoveOn.org has removed its controversial “General Betray Us” ad from its website.

For those that have forgotten, shortly after General David Petraeus issued his report to Congress in September 2007 concerning the condition of the war in Iraq and the success of that March’s troop surge, MoveOn placed a full-page ad in the New York Times with the headline, “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?” Newsbusters

The removal occurred sometime after the 18th and there is no doubt it was done when Obama named Petraeus to take McChrystal’s place in Afghanistan. After all, the ad was on MoveOn for YEARS and disappeared just as Petraeus was announced.

This is nothing more than cowardice and the MoveOn folks doing whatever it takes to push the agenda of Obama. Petraeus was a bad guy when he was conducting the surge in Iraq because Bush was president. Now that Obama occupies the White House and wants Petraeus to pull his gonads out of the fire, MoveOn removes the ad.

Petraeus was a bad guy but now he is a good guy just like Colon Powell was. He was evil when he worked for George Bush but a hero when he endorsed Obama (because of his skin color).

It is all about hypocrisy. MoveOn is a BS Socialist organization funded by the cretin George Soros and they, along with Media Matters, protect Obama and the Socialist agenda. They want to control the world and get rich at our expense and they want to do it by pushing Obama’s agenda to destroy transform America.

Screw MoveOn and George Soros. We know what you coward progressive morons did and we know why you did it.

The people who hang on every word you say or support what you do might be too mentally deficient to see it but the rest of us can.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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