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More Tough Times For The Evil One

The hits just keep on coming. Barack Obama is set to spend even more money that we do not have on things we do not need. He is set to impose oppressive taxes on the wealthy, or so he says because everyone will be affected. Most liberals cannot see this and will likely not realize it until they are on a corner with a tin cup and dark glasses with a sign that says “Will Protest for Pot.”

Looks like Obama is in for a fight from his own party. Many Democrats do not like the limit placed on itemized deductions because they know most people will cut donations to charity first. Other than that they might jump on board with a tax increase because most of them don’t pay their taxes anyway. That is a prerequisite to serve in the Obama administration. [My Way News]

Looks like Israel has finally figured that Obama and the Democrats are not really their friends. They finally realized that Hillary Clinton is an ally of Palestine when she kept blasting Israel for problems related to Hamas’ constant attacks on Israel. Hillary is critical of checkpoints set up by the Israelis and thinks they give a wrong signal. Checkpoints were st up in the very places she opposes so that she could travel there. She wanted protection she wants to deny Israel.

Israel has come to the realization that if anything is to be done about Iran it will be a solo act. Israel will have to carry out a raid on the nuclear plant alone if she wants it accomplished.

Hopey Obama is too busy trying to meet with the rogue leaders so he is too busy to help Israel out. Sparks are going to fly soon. [Jerusalem Post]

Union leaders at posh hotel while workers are losing jobs.

AFL-CIO union executives are at a luxury resort in Miami. They are out living the high life while their dwindling membership continues to decrease. A lot of union members are not working and their leaders going out to a fancy place like this sends the wrong message.

I wonder if Obama will say something like he did when companies honored their corporate sponsorship agreements and went to the Super Bowl even though they took TARP money (they pretty much had to take it, even if they did not want to).

The unions have Obama in their hip pocket so there should be no problem. [Breitbart TV]

It is going to get worse. Obama has been on the job a little more than a month and he is starting to go gray.

He might be up to 2 packs a day by now.

Big Dog

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