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More Indoctrination Of College Kids

The indoctrination of our youth continues to inch down to lower and lower grades each and every year so that now we have children singing the state sponsored praises to Dear Leader Obama (one of the four greatest, by his own estimate) instead of actually learning valuable lessons of life. Sure, they learn how to game the welfare system, how to apply for and exploit the free lunch program and how to play the victim card before they know how to read but at least they are good servants of the regime.

No wonder so many of our youth have grown into people who think there is such thing as a free lunch. It is free to them but someone else paid for it. This is what the Occupy folks want, other people’s property (OPP).

The indoctrination has been going on for years in our alleged institutions of higher learning. It is even more evident today as Columbia University will now offer a class in Occupy Wall Street. The class will require some field work as students get to participate in the “movement”.

Imagine that, the kids will pay for a class and then they will be used as tools of the left to participate in the left’s anti government protests. This is pure genius on the part of the Socialists at Columbia. Offer a class on protesting and make kids pay for the class then use them to protest for you. Make them pay to work for you. Brilliant.

And the mush heads who attend this school will line up to participate. They should offer a class called Useful Idiots.

I have an issue here though. If this is all about the Occucpy movement and the idea that the man has the money and that the 1% needs to have it removed from them to give to others, shouldn’t Columbia be offering the class for free?

The EEOC has warned that requiring a high school diploma could run afoul of the ADA. I wonder if employers will be allowed to request college transcripts to see if their potential employee has taken a class on Occupying Wall Street.

Here is an idea for Columbia. How about you get some folks in your school to teach the Constitution. Not in the liberal, living document way, but in the manner in which it was written and intended to be used. There are plenty of folks qualified to teach that but you will likely not find them on your roster of professors.

They are too busy violating the rights of others as part of the FLEA Bag occupy movement.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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