More Howard Dean

He is at it again:

Bush, in his dealing with what was left behind by – the devastating Hurricane Katrina, which revealed to the entire world the great helplessness in dealing with the destruction caused by this hurricane, because of the tremendous attrition of the American army’s resources in Iraq and Afghanistan. This hurricane has once again brought to mind the manifestations of racial discrimination among the American people, and has exposed the fragility of the foundations upon which it is structured. The acts of assault and killings have spread, as well as robbery and looting, and what is still to come will be even more terrible

That Howard Dean is just so full of horse crap. I mean, this just sounds like the kind of vile crap that he spews all the time. But I left a few words out and that might not be fair. So let me put the complete quote in here:

Bush, in his dealing with what was left behind by one of Allah’s soldiers – the devastating Hurricane Katrina, which revealed to the entire world the great helplessness in dealing with the destruction caused by this hurricane, because of the tremendous attrition of the American army’s resources in Iraq and Afghanistan. This hurricane has once again brought to mind the manifestations of racial discrimination among the American people, and has exposed the fragility of the foundations upon which it is structured. The acts of assault and killings have spread, as well as robbery and looting, and what is still to come will be even more terrible, Allah willing. emphasis added

Notice the parts that were originally left out. But Dean would say God, not Allah (well, he might not but we assume so). You are right, this quote, that sounded so much like Dean and his parrots actually came from:

Abu Mus’ab Al-Zarqawi, terrorist supreme. How nice that the American left, as represented by their mouth piece Dean, agree with the terrorists. Can you say aid and comfort to the enemy? Perhaps though, the terrorist is just parroting what Dean and the American left are saying. In that case, the left is providing the enemy with ammunition to use against us.

No matter how you look at it, it is a bad thing. Either the terrorists are providing words for the left or the left is providing words for the terrorists. They did it for the North Vietnamese and now for the terrorists. The American left, enemy of the state.

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