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More Government Nonsense

I imagine that US Embassies around the world require the finest dishes so that when they entertain people from around the world they do not look like a bunch of slackers serving wine in paper glasses. So I can certainly understand the need for the embassies to have fine crystal glasses in which to serve beverages.

I can’t understand why we need to spend 5.4 MILLION dollars on such glasses. It would seem to me that we could get some kind of bulk discount for buying that much crystal.

Secretary of State Clinton’s State Department has ordered the glasses and the kicker is that the order will not benefit any American business. The small business through which they were ordered turned around and subcontracted to get them from an overseas company.

There is a company in the US, right in Clinton’s “native” New York that makes glasses to the specifications required but they will not receive the money.

Instead 5.4 MILLION US taxpayer dollars will go to a company in another country.

Though this is not part of the stimulus it would seem that contracting an American company to provide them would help shore up the business and provide workers with job security.

It is obvious that people in government do not think when they do things.

How else can anyone explain such a boneheaded move? I guess no thinking is required when you are spending money that is not yours…

And Democrats accuse Republicans of outsourcing jobs overseas…

New York Post

Big Dog


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