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More Busybody Bums

Dr. Keith Ablow is a bum. I don’t like him. He doesn’t know me, but he wants me jailed. Why? Because I want to pee in a urinal. And no, amazingly, I’m not kidding or even exaggerating.

Dr. Ablow says that the government should demand that no one be allowed to build bathroom with urinals. As with any government process, if you disobey, you will be fined, jailed, or killed. Yes, for building a urinal, under Dr. Ablow’s suggestion.

Dr. Ablow goes on to complain and whine about wimpy men who whine to him about being embarrassed to pee. This lunatic with a degree actually even implies that if the government allows people to pee in a trough that they’re creating sex offenders!

I realize that, as with anything written on the Internet, that this may be an attempt at satire. I really hope it is, but sadly, it does not appear to be at all. If it is satire, I apologize to Dr. Ablow for calling him a bum. But if he’s serious about his opinion that we need government to punish people who want to pee in a urinal, then calling him a bum is being quite nice and reserved.

Hey Dr. Ablow, how about you run around and sell your books, and peddle your quack skills and let me pee wherever the hell I want to without you trying to throw me in jail!


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