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Moonbats Deface Vietnam Memorial

The Gathering of Eagles came together as a group dedicated to protecting the memorials from vandals. Of course this group cannot be there 24 hours a day and that is why there are park police officers. The moonbats failed to deface any memorial while the Eagles were present because they lack the guts to try anything when a superior force is present. This cowardice was displayed by them when a person or persons defaced the Vietnam Memorial with a petroleum based substance thus staining a tile into which it was absorbed.

The unfortunate thing is that the responsible parties undoubtedly call themselves Americans and state that they support the troops. This support, after all, is why they are fighting so hard to bring them home. The question is, if they support the troops then why would they deface a memorial to the very people who died preserving their right to protest? This act of cowardice shows that these people are far from supporters and they are not patriots despite their protestations whenever we question their patriotism. It must be asked so I will do it. Can I question your patriotism now?

It is no secret that this country is deeply divided and the war is one area where there are deep divisions. This is all part of the process of freedom and thinking people may debate the issues as sane, civil folks. What is not acceptable is for people to deface the monuments that have been erected to honor better people than the people who defaced this wall will ever be. It is not acceptable for any group to deface property because they disagree with issues facing this country and any person who does this is a low life cretin who should be removed from the human race. One thing is certain. The people who did this did so as a covert act because they knew that they were breaking the law. They never would have gotten away with this had Eagles been present because they would have been shipped home in a couple of boxes after we tore them apart. The slime that did this should be hanged, drawn, and quartered and the public should be allowed to watch as they are disemboweled in the public square.

The Eagles will be in DC next weekend and there will be quite a few who are highly peeved at this. I would suggest that the moonbats keep their distance and leave the memorials alone. Anyone caught defacing one will only be able to be identified through DNA records when the Eagles are done with them.

There are pictures over at the Free Republic

Before some moonbat or troll takes me to task for assuming this had to be a moonbat, keep in mind that those who truly support the troops would NEVER do this even if they are unhappy with the war. There is no doubt in my mind that a left wing looney did this but in the unlikely event that I am incorrect, I will certainly apologize.

To the cretins who did this; we will be there Saturday. Care to fess up to your acts and show us that you are not really a bunch of cowards?

Eagles Up!

Big Dog